Ever since they gave up the pursuit of perfection, Lexus' sales have been suffering, In remembrance of the popularity of the original GS LS models..

Remember when the GS was far more beautiful than all other cars? and when Mercedes made their E class bubble eyed and then Jaguar made their S type... Though, that was originally their thing.. Anyway it's kinda sad to have so few cars to be able to be excited about. Whoever is in charge of design says: "Customers must want larger trunks, more leg room.. More heat settings for the seats.. It certainly can't be the trout mouth grille."

I turned down this neighborhood in Seattle for apparently no reason and that's when I saw the bumper sticker.. Devilution is real.

I'll surmise it like so.. That's when people stop moving forward..

See they could've always been greedy and wanted to make as much off everything as they could...

They fire the production guy, you're making stuff too good! People aren't having to fix their dryer every year and we're losing money on maintenance.

You would think this is a backwards phenomenon

Though it seems the way that everything is going..

In the early 90s a Mercedes was good for 300,000

Now see if you can get 90 out of it..

See the nature of the world, humanity etc. is to improve

Imagine an Olympics where no records got broken..

Maybe that's the nature of the owl or whatever

Though regardless, there's a right way

and you can tell when someone or thing has quality

Like when VW made it as easy as possible to fix their Bug or Bus and Ford and them used to do the same..

Anyway I've read quite a lot of Classic English lit.

What I got from it: At that time either you owned your own Parish..

Had a bunch of inheritance money

Worked in law or the Church

A Dr. was like second rate and everyone else was common.

So the Church was about securing positions and incomes to people of "good" family

or what they called a "living."

I believe this custom has been passed on until today..

& we can thank them for the popularity of the bible today..

I read a passage the other day..

That went something like: This guy had a dream that some guys were gonna come for him

When he woke up they were already there.

and he was like these guys aren't the same as me

and god told him that you better listen to me

Being the same isn't important anymore

So they ate together and when they got to where they were supposed to go

Someone was waiting for them there too.

and someone else questioned the word of god and smirked or something

and god smote him right there on the spot.

and there are people out there...

Who insist that this is the ONLY book you read.

They must consequently be illiterate...

Though the expectations are quite irreasonably low..

What we want is a brain that will do whatever we say..

Without a backbone or an idea of what is right or wrong

You make the grade: Scientist.

What's the most important thing in the world?

The air we breathe, the water we drink

p> Remember when NY had a whole series of these

In the 1800s ou could jump in an body of water and enjoy it..

2018 every body of water is infected with poisonous wild fish and even if you won't get sick of the fish or from the, they still only recommend you eat 1 or 2 a month...

Ever day I wake up to the fumes from Gasoline, like the worst thing you can breathe..

Oh and I don't have to...

It's just that instead of living for the world we live for gasoline companies..

Only reason Tesla got the approval is so they could charge out the ass for a battery

Man I could manufacture a batt the size of a car for abou 250 bucks.

It's so the rich can get richer and that normal people can't afford them

I mean they ought to have crash tests but

I don't want an electric car, I can't even go on a road trip w them.

Well in theory, you could bring 2 extra batteries w you. Let's say they were good for 200 miles.. When one is running out, you go in the trunk, push a button that pops one out and put a fresh one in. Then let's say after ten hours you stop to charge them all up. Or even swap them out for freshly charged ones right at the gas stations. The gov jumps in lately..

It's like, you go to the store and even if the shops are thankful your shopping with em.. & don't charge you..

I mean they cost .0004 cents to make lets say...

Though the gov insists on getting 10 for each of them.

Ideally you would remember to put the grocery bags back in the car.. For next time you go to the store.

Even though you know you could get more free from the store anyway.

Same way, Gus said you don't get anything for doing the right thing, your just supposed to do it.

Otherwise you'll be punishment.

Your not supposed to do things from fear or for recognition.

Just beause it's the right thing to do

Fear of hell starts from our greeting.

It's obvious we'll be punished for what we do even in this life from our own feeling of deservance.

Abe Lincoln said something likeyou have to live with yourself and what you do.

. This is a new theory of mine called INI. Where you are yourself

. Though also the actions you've performed.

. Somewhat irrevocably. Blue underline means acceptable made up word?

Weed is no longer any good to me wo coffee.

If they made the former no longer legal and legalized the latter federally i'D STILL BE IN BAD SHAPE

Just like neither isn't helpful or either isn't beneficial without food.

It's tough trying to make people eel bad about eating, though they've doneit before.

HAD PEOPLE thinking the were being godly by eating oatmeal or bread, because they didn't want to be a gluten.

When I'm frustrated I take their insults to hear. In moments of contention... I see that's all the have because the can't say something beautiful like Hawthone.

Like a play on the thought of if a mirror retained all the images of the different generations that looked through it.

@ these moments what once appeared serious, feels petty and quite sad of them.

Like spending months and monhs talking about a #Metoo,

Miyagi says: If you whore, you usually don't tell everybody about it

After getting into the movies, complaining that that's they way you got into them.

Just big news scam, to get girl to go to Hollywood and suck dick & not even getting into movie

Miyagi sentence:. Community service, go to school and look girl in her eyes, tell her you are working towards making sure that she has to go through everything that you hated.

. See it's like the black lives thing.. All lives matter would've been more suitable. Remember the Rodney King beating? That was not acceptable in those days, yet the slogan black lives matter implies that the status quo disagrees and pretty much makes an impression that they don't matter but should. Subtle but effective use of reverse psychology, has every sign actually working tobmake the general impression that they matter less... Anyway pound me too's What are they trying to say? That they were a victim? They didn't have a choice in the matter?

They might've been able to get into the movie without that

Yeah I know that's insensitive

Went for like 7 months without saying anything about it

Our founding forefathers insisted a large centralized government is the worst thing..

In a Platonic sense: What does a gov do?

Well the one that we have is just a burden

& So it was in Greek times, though ideally, the gov would make sure everyone had a job.

Something like that

So we'd be competitive with the other countries

Stop looking to German for a sec

hey got homeless people too

It's time we looked to ourselves to solve our own problems

hey're not going to do it for us, like we had doped.

Hoped, Instead we have a large prison complex! Alright making sure that jobs suck so bad that people have to resort to crime...

In a Bob Hope Type voice like "You've just won a brand new car..

One of the many towns that don't have anything but a prison and a couple restaurants.

Well you can shovel coal or be a prostitute.

Lets see if we can't make ou a prisoner at the tax paers expense

That's what we'll focus our time on...

And our energy shunning the people who are trying to be efficient

In the worst case scenario, it's imprisoning a guy who's using drugs so he can work fast and pay his bills

Then he gets caught

Doesn't even see the hypocrisy of the thing and has to pay like 4500 dollars for court costs.

We shouldn't have any pollution The water and air should be purer then back in the old days if we were progressing

How do you expect us to do that?

Using the sun, not like the mf'er is going to run out...

The wind too, though theoretically we might be able to use that up... we could think of more efficient ways to make batteries... Have baterry powered ships

Work on trying to clean up the oceans and stuff

Instead of keeping us backwords.

We could build a train that has magnetic rails

Make travel, way cheaper and shipping costs way lower.

No we want to keep those as high as possible.

We want 1800s railroad cars that use tons of fuel

Bus after bus after bus even when people aren't ridin them.

> Spend extra fuel and make everything dirt and stinky in the interests of who? That's right the oil companies.

Bin Ladens and the George Bushes and the Chaneys and Military guys

I'm part of it too, whether or not it is now, I looked it up o see if I should like it, I read the Dunkin Doughnuts was part of a military conglomerate..

Though I went there, since I found coupons for dollar coffees..

Well he hot & cold didn't get me or the iced tea, not even the cold brew though I was expecting a large frozen iced cappuccino for a dollar but couldn't communicate what I wanted & ended up w a Latte.

See I'll go to 711 sometimes for a pizza too.

Or Whole foods for wifi even though I don't like em, or I don't want to..

Just like you, I can settle, I don't have to think about it either.

I said I'll jus go to Duncan because it's Columbus day.. Had this plan about going to McDonalds for breakfast and everything

Then remembered I could still get the breakfast at night time..

Though I still hate em

Because someone's got to, for principalities sake

Anyway day 2 of cheat cold coffee

I left Vegas because under the guise of

Thought I'd go to the entertainment capital for weed

Instead found they were still stuck on gambling

They have gambling somewhere closer to everywhere now.

In Massachusetts

They passed a recreation law and actually don't care if you smoke weed.

There's a demand for it

Anyway, I felt wrong about going to the dispensory

Felt wrong about buying it off the streets.

Since if I did it'd be like I was against the whole point of legalizing it.

So i got the bare minimum at the dispensary and tried to figure a way out of the situation.

I was there on false pretenses.

Though fuck it, I learned a lot & I still got love for ya Vegas, is it true? That the other guy from Cleveland went to Boston

I wonder who the Cavs are working w? They must've had a huge budget

My mind keeps getting sidetracked & I need more coffee.

Oh yeah I love, love love, when people use sneak ways to get power over people..

& if the people are too sidelined to see it for themselves.. All the better

Free or dead New Hampshire? That's your motto?

Well since the Patriot Act you are a fucking liar

& that's fine w me

Had they waited for a weekend to do it..

But since they insisted on knocking down the towers on a weekday

You can be sure... That I'll never leave it alone.

Never stop insisting that these criminal be held accountable for their actions.

Next: Write a book about the lottery