The COVID-19 pandemic is having a devastating effect on global business and bigpharma companies are not excluded.

A report by GlobalData found that the majority of the top 20 global pharma companies had their combined market cap plunge by $2.6 trillion in the first quarter of 2020, or about 7.9%.

You do the math, if 7.9% is 2.6 trillion and that is in just one quarter then that means pharmaceutical companies are making considerably more yearly then the United States budget.

That means that their influence is substantial to say the least. Despite their apparent loses, it's a fact that depression and the demand for anti-depressant drugs has gone up tremendously since the pandemic started.

The middle class and small business has all but been eliminated, while the Wealth of world's billionaires rose $5 trillion amid the pandemic, Forbes list finds. People are the most divided they have ever been. There has been a dramatic separation of people from their communities.

While the news has insisted that the only way to bring families back together and restore events like concerts is to vaccinate all Americans.

In America, since the Johnson and Johnson vaccine has been recalled due to blood clots, the only vaccination options are Moderna and Pfizer.

In 2010 Mode RNA Therapeutics was formed to commercialize the research of stem cel biologist Derick Rossi. Although it had never produced any product and in 2017 Moderna's mRNA therapeutics program they had been developing with Alexion was scraped due to testing on animals that concluded that their treatment would never be safe enough for humans. Despite no success in the medical field whatsoever and accumulated 1.5 billion dollars of losses since it's inception. In 2018 it was still somehow valued at 7.5 billion dollars. In 2020 Moderna told then president Trump that they could have a vaccine ready within months and the next day the FDA approved clinical trials and Moderna received 483 million dollars from operation warp speed. With the speculation of a covid vaccine Moderna was worth 60 billion as of December 2020.

While Pfizer has been a "habitual offender" engaging in illegal and corrupt marketing practices, bribing physicians and suppressing adverse trial results.

Since 2002 the company and it's subsidiaries have been assessed with 71 violations including criminal anti trust charges with fines totaling over 3 billion dollars in criminal convictions, civil penalties and jury awards. Imagine how much corruption that wasn't caught.

Not only are the vaccines made with stem cells that come from aborted fetus.. The fact remains that corona, or covid-19 is simply a variation of influenza and while it is tougher then the average flu, a person's body would naturally build an immunity to it just like every other variation. The hype, the fear was an intentional overnight hoax by the media and those with intentions to profit off of government funding. Billions were spent on supposed "tracking" of the virus and companies made billions off of cleanups when a confirmed covid case was found.

and it is widely known that hospitals received extra funding for those on medicare listed as having covid 19 and 3 times as much money if they need a ventilator. People who died from the disease, most often were suffering from another ailment.

Billions have been spent and abused on business aid billions more spent on testing, and just 2 days ago NBC said that the U.S. is to spend 1.7 billion dollars tracking covid variants as new strains are making up half of all cases. Basically stating that there is no end in sight. These opportunists have made fortunes off the misery of the American people and humans worldwide. They are the lowest of the low, the scum of the Earth.

People have been conditioned not believe anything is true until they see it on the news. So I made up this news story just so you can get a clue..