Marginal @ As a youngster, growing up in Columbus Ohio

We would call the south side, Grove-tucky

Later I was to find out that cities like Louisville & Lexington carried a certain aristocracy

It's like, during the revolutionary war, there were the royalists, mostly those that had a good place in government, a family background in the UK for the most part..

While our founding fathers, were somewhat like today's democrats, well to do people, who aspired for greatness while supposedly having to kiss up to the old regime.

The thing about title & all that is it tends to get watered down..

I was reading a Hawthorne novel and he compared this kind of digression to a once noble race of chickens, that were the fattest in the land and laid the most awesome eggs..

After years of breeding them with chickens of similar characteristics, they were left with a scrawny poor excuse for a foul. Or that's what I got out of the book

I try not to generalize, some people grow up, using the bourgeois advantages given to them and mingle good genetics to form superior beings..

While others, use it as a means, to cheat and become lazy and idle.

What I'm trying to say is that superiority shouldn't be implied, every generation stands to disinherit all that the previous generations accomplished.

So when the colonists challenged the old order,I imagine they were somewhat laughed at.. Yet they had right on their side, they were being taxed, without fair representation, the king had ordered them to quarter troops in their own homes and it turned out, to be about time, for people to throw off a ridiculous & oppressive government.

In a sense they had grown lazy, because they believed that they had always ruled and would just continue to do so.

Once again, I mention the fact that our founding fathers risked everything to start overthrow a tired monarchy and establish the first theoretical democracy for thousands of years.

No one knew if it was going to work or not, they just wrote out a constitution, the best that they could and hoped and prayed that within time, our huge and fertile nation would become the massive super power that it did.

Well since they fought for the country, I imagine those old names that the towns held dear were stricken from the records and the new ones, that we now hold dear were established.

So thus, a new aristocracy was born, a lot of which came from the south and involved slave ownership.

So much so, that if you go to Virginia today, not even the southern part, I'm talking North Virginia.. You will find streets and parks named after slave owners..

Sometimes the house is still up and they showcase that they had forced people to work for them and live 10 people to a crowded little house.

I don't get it, so I didn't want to be part of it..

I think often times you will find that these same families have turned very biased and proud without any particular merit i.e. Jeff Sessions. This is typical behavior, in France, the guys that supported king Louis the XIV I think, were replaced with Bonapartists (supporters of Napoleon) Only to be overthrown by the old order and then retaken by Napoleon & them until he was exiled and those same guys kept their power..

Similarly America puts up puppet regimes in South America, in Iraq etc. These people do what "we" say and get to run things over there..

Sometimes they go through mock elections and everything..

I'm going to try to stick to the point here

As typically happens with power, the leaders go from instituting a well run and efficient government.. To a big wasteful institution made, to ensure that the people who are living well, continue to do so.

So today they federal government, is the single largest employer in the United States.

Followed by McDonalds and Wal Mart..

Now it's not without reason that I hate McDonalds & Wal Mart Their goal is to keep costs low, so they they don't set a good example to employers worldwide

I went to Whataburger when I was in Texas and saw the difference in a happier, well paid employee, who took pride in actually grilling a burger.

On the other end of the spectum is nuking a frozen something and a system of beeps, made so dumb you could probably train a Chimpanzee to do the work. Yet it still somehow turns out unbelievably delicious that if I was to say I hate McDonalds, you would obviously consider me a liar.

From my experience, if you're going to do something...

You might as well do it right.

Yet we as a nation

Are implementing and spreading a short cut mentality

Though who honestly feels like fighting back?

There are so many things to enjoy

Why not enjoy them and in the meanwhile think about how to make them better.

I guess that's the next topic..