can't say weed makes me faster

it's just what I'm used to

I'm ok without it, matter of fact,

As long as I have my caffeine..

I feel it's good practice...

a better workout, like there's more gravity

(Only episode I ever saw)

I think the problem with substances..

Is when one is unable to function without them.

Hooked - The brains needs the response.

In our modern life - It's like we try to lock them up.

A user gets a record & then are unable to make a living

without resorting to risky behaviors.

Now it's one thing if we say we as a country, are against drugs

and are actually trying to eliminate them..

I feel it's another when, for example.. we're in Afghanistan,

Creating an opiod epidemic..

Got a private prison system built to control people.

I'm not just complaining about the duplicity. Just saying if there's a demand, there should be a legit (clean) supply.. What I'm suggesting is kinda like X-Men and the professor

who made a place for mutants to control their powers.

A theoretical place where people wouldn't have to hide what they do.

Though more importantly, produce results whether creatively

or actual production of products, which would add to the collective wealth

of our system & scientifically reform popular opinion.

Because lets face it, I see lots of charities trying to end homelessness but it's all a crock of bologna

Maybe gets em a meal, some clothes & toothpaste

I'm talking billions spent on..

But it doesn't provide low income housing, or work or the fundamentals to make it

back into reality

I feel for them Because it's very difficult and on top of that there's the virus and

limited seating.. (Won't even be able to go to the library to get out of the cold this year)

I don't expect the government to pay for an apartment for them

Though with mass production, how much could a dinky 1 room shed cost..

With communal bathrooms and kitchen..

I'm not saying everyone can be saved..

I see a lot of people on the streets fargone..

Talking to themselves

Later, their limbs jerking seemingly on their own.

The point is to catch them before that.

Find a way to make them useful.

I believe everyone is here for a reason

Thus has a purpose

For those who want to help but have no outlet so settle for what they are given..

What's up w the electoral college anyway? Someone please disprove to me that they aren't the only one's votes that matter.

The outdoor restaurant seating is going to come to a close soon For single moms living in motels stuck in a pinch

Out of work restaurant crews..

People in entertainment industries, victims of gentrification

or generally affected by the pandemic.

People who create amazing food but rent is too high for them to stay open. People interested in spending every day refining and testing products to make and vote on what is produced. For those willing to split the menial labor work rather then make some sap do it all because they don't have any other choice (the world is hard)A place of refuge and common decency, instead of the status quo.

People who make beautiful things but don't haven't found an outlet.. I feel if we are to combat the monopoly we need to start making and selling all products comparable to the ones found on amazon. The thing is, if our president won't step up to bust a monopoly, it is up to us as a people to.. If politicians are not upholding the constitution - meaning every part of that document otherwise it's not worth a damn.. That means the people have no choice but to create a place where people can have privacy.

A real counter culture..

Because we're losing the social side.. The side that makes life beautiful.

Joe Biden said make America kind again..

America, in my opinion, has never been kind.

I read the jungle and have seen it in action..

People who go through so many hardships, just to get setback, it's ok, I'll work harder... All kinds of snares...

America started as the place, where if you were a rough neck & could kill injuns, they'd give you a place to live.

Before the wild west... The Churches used to look like fortresses..

Nowadays there is little love for so many people who came from that same heritage..

There's a certain kind of individual that has spent generations toiling that love to push themselves physically..

So I'm suggesting that they do it for themselves & their communities, rather for the profits of the CEO or the shareholders.. Instead of doing the same bloody task day in and day out (monotonous torture) What if you could decide what you felt like doing..

So long as you got your 30 hours in..

I'm not talking hobbies that's a different thing.

Anyway the men... The generation after us.. Are girlier then ever. There is a war on warriors and without them, who will protect us from big bro? Who will know what's right when it's only cowardly individuals, who do things only out of self preservation. It infuriates me, when I see, people thinking they are helping the cause by scribbling some bullshit on the wall.. By breaking windows.

Making a call against them for law and order.

Take that energy and produce something... I know your mad but it's not helping..

It was on the player's jerseys in the finals, I see signs on buildings all over.. BLM has probably collected billions of dollars in donations and what have they done with it? I assume following our governments example, or occupy, people who felt entitled funneled the money to themselves.

At the time of the Occupations.. Thousands of Americans in many cities were venting their frustrations of the bank bailouts, a never ending war economy, private prison complex.. General injustices..

Then somehow it got turned into pro anarchy.. Most everybody I talked to was in favor of law and order & one of the biggest complaints was that police were using their positions as the law and order to commit crimes..

Of course not all cops are bad but who is going to police the police if they have access to cameras and evidence. I think most people who know about such matters, will tell you that police abuse more prostitutes than anyone... Don't believe me?

Tell me why police have not lost the right to fornicate in interrogation rooms in more then half the states across the country. See:

Since the advent of government.. People have been complaining about corruption. capitalism, soicalism, our republics, our neighboring States.. I think of all the possibilities. Direct democracy has the best chance of being trust-able.. Though on the other hand we would have to make sure the common voter and every voter is competent of issues...

Oil in Iraq, drugs in Afghanistan, some would argue if we didn't control these big business' whoever did might be able to use the money they made against us...What is really scary: The question, what would we focus our efforts on, (budget) if it wasn't pushing prostitution for the wealthy & in every military base. Maybe I could figure it out, if I wasn't complaisantly watching porn.

I know a lot of local business' hear the cry for racial justice and the frustration about the apparent lack of appreciation for human life...

Saw this sign Asians for BLM and it's treating one another like different species rather then specialized individuals. :)

Though imagine if everyone who's out there living in tents complaining and trying to get something for free.. (you owe us) Would spend every day building..

The video above shows what people are capable of with sticks but imagine it with power tools, concrete and construction materials purchased in bulk or at cost.,

People obtaining the means of production to make capital and a local government that helps in the process of ascension to the middle class. Something like that..

The best part about these isolated communities of lets say 300 ,

that Say there's a 2 week quarantine vacation involved that you have to buy to get in? Ideas, ideas... Theoretically people would choose their community

Even though the State and country have instituted mandatory mask laws and the number of cases has doubled..

So the logical response by Ohio government is to make masks mandatory in cars.. If I accept this, I show a disbelief in logic.

Millions of Americans stuck in the game, never had any different options

prison is supposed to reform one

Though it really propagates the whole revolving door.

Plus most convicts will say that it's probably the most social place they've been to since school.

So what I'm trying to advocate for a place that is the most exciting thing since that second semester in school when you changed classes (I don't know if everyone's experienced something like that)

work socially to create and capitalize co-operatively.

We could make all types of patterns of bricks..

Japan made this with legos

And all types of products, all we need is the means of production, initial investment

Reminisent of one of Thomas Edison's workshops, some estimates say he was directly responsible for 1/8th of the United States economy at one point.

: I plan to combine the ideas found on this site into one kind of proposal.