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I cannot watch this video, though I posted it because: it is direct EVIDENCE that a WOMAN was MURDERED and her murderes set free. I understand that, if one persons justice is ignored, truth and the American way are endangered for all.

Discipline and Disciple I don't mean to pick on Baltimore, perhaps it is the greatest city in America because it didn't cover up it's flaws. It's definitely unpleasant to think about, many would probably prefer not to know..

Though police participating in criminal activities is a common phenomenon.

In Mexico & Russia, it is widely known and accepted that police are prone to accepting bribes.

It's a common occurrence anywhere, that when you give anyone power, there are going to be some that try to influence them to use it for their benefit. If one is the enforcer of laws and practically immune to them, it's almost like a free pass to break the law...

Make money and eliminate the competition. That's why they make officers take an oath, though they have also pledged to a fraternity and would be good cops, probably are under pressure from the bad ones. I imagine in big cities and small towns you will probably find some of each, though hardly ever will a department own up to corruption. Government however is another story...

Government officials all seem to waste money and steal what they can and the practice is passed down a chain of command all trying to take what they can get, this includes non profit organizations, bureaucracies, etc. It seems they may even feel that they are entitled to this money, much like people who work at a food bank and skim the good stuff off the top for themselves.

For example: I was flipping through Gangster Government and found all types of citations of how companies were abusing government funding meant for solar and wind or "green power".

Now I'm sure pro republican factions all down the line are prepared to misalocate coal and nuclear funds as we speak..

To me it was frustrating to see the greatest country on Earth, giving up it's liberties, wealth to those that profit off oil and weapons, seeing the education budgets cut, the prison industries steady growing, right to privacy completely obliterated, freedom of speech being attacked.. Possibly the sickest part was the attempts at convincing people to forego their right to bare arms w mass shootings. Banks being bailed out by the federal government, a practice that is illegal, the molding of Church and State that was specifically not allowed. The rise of monopolies.

Throughout history you can see these things always reoccurring. People hoping to become all powerful, that was the great part of America, the way we would check them and say no! The way we designed our government to provide checks and balances. When the Sherman Act was enacted, it was a bold an difficult task, attempting to bust up the monopolies I'm sure it wasn't easy.

The way I saw it go down: George Bush & Chaney spent up the budget protecting their investment Kuwait, big oil and arms. Putting us in debt & basically sold our prosperity to the likes of Germany, France, Japan and China and our people made into the puppets and whores of their bankers on some scale. Many people decided to speak out, there were groups in New York, Oakland, Portland in each city, that numbered in many thousands of people concerned about the state of our nation, the fear of dictatorship and wanted to do something about it.

Instead somehow they were labeled anarchists while people followed in the governments example and funneled and stole money donated to the cause.


“When a government betrays the people by amassing too much power and becoming tyrannical, the people have no choice but to exercise the original rights of self defense – to fight the government.” – Alexander Hamilton

“The ultimate authority resides in the people, and that if the federal government got too powerful and overstepped its authority, then the people would develop plans of resistance and resort to arms.” – James Madison

“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” – Thomas Jefferson

“This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing Government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it.” – Abraham Lincoln

“We, the people are rightful masters of both Congress and the courts – not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” – Abraham Lincoln

“We need a revolution every 200 years, because all governments become stale and corrupt after 200 years.” – Ben Franklin

I'm not for revolution but I would like to make an alternative extremely efficient community on a small scale to prove what people are capable when not burdened w/ the lechery of big government that our president was supposedly against, yet from my standpoint he seems to have appointed only more lecherous and wealthy officials.

Though every block is mointored w cameras you ever notice how certain people seem to get away, anyway, my guess is: it's probably because their in on it.

Ever think how It would be more logical if a maniac was mad at someone and took out his frustrations on the people who wronged him, thereby getting revenge.. However there has been a growing tendency of people to lash out on people completely irrelevant and innocent. Thereby making everyone more scared to go out in pubic.

This in my mind can be explained as anti gun nuts purposely causing mass hysteria and terror in attempts to ban weapons and allow evil total control over the populace. Does this sound like too much of a stretch? If you recall the same evil doers blew up their own buildings and didn't wait until the weekend to do it. They killed thousands of Americans to scare people, start Muslim wars and pass the patriot act because had they not, people would never have given up their right to privacy. The evidence is there, it was signed by thousands of engineers and architects that the buildings were made to withstand a plane crash and could not have collapsed in such a manner without the use of explosives. That Bin Ladan was CIA operatives and that the Bush family was in kahoots with his family. Though they are confident that they are immune to justice. These calamities cannot be ignored because until they are addressed these greedy, lying maniacs will continue to do whatever they want until their ends are reached. If you want to stop these shootings, charge some of these nefarious sickos for crimes against humanity, then maybe the conspirators will stop and think about it. Damn, they put George Bush in prison for life? I'm not gonna risk it... Yet we have the opposite, too big to fail.. They can get away with whatever they want... What side are you on? What side would Jesus choose?