Every day gets more sad and confusing. I look up microchips and there's no arguments that are pro chipping us...

Just what appears to be thousands of articles debunking it..

Which leads me to believe someone is erasing them on purpose.. I saw an interview with Bill Gates, where he says that he didn't put micro chips in the vaccine.. If he had nothing to hide, why would post a youtube video stating that he didn't and just because he says he didn't, why is that sufficient to believe him? Do evil geniuses announce their intentions? Do you think or expect, he's going to admit he's that data sick? Well since you asked, I am hiding microchips like they use for cats in the vaccine... The fact that I did some investigation and that there are chips small enough to inject in a standard size needle that they used on pets years ago... Such is enough evidence to determine it could be done.. I find it funny, that he just happened to have been studying vaccinations beforehand..

Back during 911. We could feel that there was something sketchy going on and they were just trying to expand federal power way beyond what we felt was acceptable... They justified it saying there is a threat of terror. To think they could modify the constitution just because our safety was being threatened (consequently it turns out it was an in house threat) seemed repugnant. Though they got away with it, by calling it the patriot act and attacking anyone who seemed to think it was a conspiracy.. Saying they were unpatriotic.

Now looking back it's obvious what happened and why... America wants to stay in Afghanistan indefinitely and spend money on controlling the opium source we supposedly are against..

They needed a reason and they profited off of every step.. From insurance money to arms and munitions and have drained our budget surplus into a huge deficit for some country, damn sure it wasn't America they did it for..

Well I'm saying this corona / covid thing seems sketchy I'd say half of Americans have their doubts.. I read a study that said 40% of republicans think the virus was invented to vaccinate people with microchips. Not to mention fetus..

So many have gained so much on the misery of the world this past year..

Anyway, the other day.. I look into NFTs so my dream has come true..

No longer does the man require my blood, sweat or tears for money..

I can post a picture of a funny cat and get $60,000 for it

I'm plenty creative so I'm thinking I may never have to work again.

Sure enough I go to two of the main marketplaces selling the NFTs and I find it's just a scam... They won't let you sell anything until you make at least 2 crypto transactions.. (GAS) Each one is $5 but it's just a push for you do buy digital coin and a lot of people don't mind dropping a couple hundred bucks that they try to trick you into spending, just so they can take part in what they news is talking about..

They Want me to buy cryptocurrency so it becomes acceptable to get rid of monetary money and just be able to by stuff with my vaccine chip. Then they can just turn off your money like in Enemy of the State and you are fucked.

Plus it just adds to the ridiculousness... things are making very little sense as it is.. One day the tv said it's not safe to go outside, and now the majority of people mumble what they heard on tv through their masks.

Read some news in the UK that said: because of social distancing, they have had 0 instances of the flu this year.... Another country said the same thing & if you have a fever, they're just going to assume it's corona and hook you up to a ventilator & NFTs are fucking stupid.. Sure it's better to invest your money into a piece of art then just a dogecoin that means nothing...

I'm glad people intend to support the digital artists but I go on there and random childish pictures are selling for $3,000 all being bought up by Dr. So & so... & it's just a news media frenzy.. Someone bought someone elses NFT for $500,000 and bam all of a sudden everyone is an idiot and nothing makes sense anymore.

I worked a job once where this borderline hoarder lit his house on fire...

Now this guy had a house and money..

He had a degree on his wall, but he didn't seem to have an understanding for value.

He had multiple bags of ruffles chips opened...

It appeared he ate a few handfulls, then closed the bag with a clip clamp of sorts

Then some time in the future, instead of looking for the opened one. He just opened another bag and littered around the place was hundreds of dollars worth of wasted snacks..

Now I've been to a lot of places, where people aren't petty but 2 or $3 is important and when I see someone like that, who seemingly has money but no appreciation or understanding of it... Such behavior feels like a spit in the face to those who work hard and struggle. Then again, this guy wasn't even comparatively wealthy at all compared to some of these big wigs

So I am making Instagrand.co to hopefully be a place where people can sell their real artwork, t shirt ideas, music, posters, original programming even get the adsense money from their pictures.. Basically the opposite of NFT's and 15% will support a utopia like place where people who do not want to get the vaccine can start their own society as an alternative to some of the corporate weirdos out there.

As much as I like America, I was raised with an ideal of equality that is somewhat out of date..

Rather then try to change everyone else, the powers that be, aren't going to give up their hold...I think it might be healthier to just start over fresh.. A brand new country. That's why it's so interesting that Akon got the go ahead for his own city in Africa..

The currency is said to be called "akoin".

The design I had in mind, is quite different but also would be free of pollution and self sufficient, energy wise..

Investors are spending 6 billion and that's what I'd like to do... The United Nations and their little puppet representatives feel that they have control over the world.. I hate anyone that only gives people one option.

Heard celebrities endorsing the vaccine.. Well we can all celebrate and see our families once we get the vaccine. Sounds like the mf mob.. No one can do anything fun or see their kin until we get two hundred dollars from everyone in the world..

If they hadn't talked about globalization and too big to fail.. I might've believed in a worldwide pandemic.. Instead it feels like the rich and fargone greedy's plan for global domination.

The signs are clear enough as we speak.. In retrospect we will surely say we could've seen it coming.. Though then it will be too late..

Whenever I'm threatened or given only 1 option, my natural impulse is to fight it and find some other way...

I can see myself giving in, well I'll get the vaccine so I can get laid and start a family.. I guess I have no choice and I'll tell myself it's not that bad or I could fight for what I believe in... I'm talking a country that will be, what America is supposed to be.

A refuge for anyone who hates the way things in their country are going and believes in hard work, freedom and equality.

No one's going to do it for us.. Though if people are looking for something with a proper social system: Including friendship, communication expression through art..

Rather then a fuckiing NFT lets give them something worthwhile to invest in. To buy, enjoy and hopefully profit off of.

For a real cause..

Not a charity, an example that the whole world can appreciate.. To utilize people who want to work but have no outlet for a better life & Not accepting someone to force their hand on you.