there's a lot of stuff i don't know about

people ask me about eternity, i can't tell u

i hope, it feels to me that things are real

in the sense that patterns seem to repeat

until u either get it right or you don't

I've always felt I have a significant amount

to contribute to the world and

even at my lowest, i'd attempt to at least find

an interesting way to express an idea

I feel that between all of us the answers to most problems are there & it's just about

organizing the information and giving people an outlet to express themselves.

To get the word out.

So I've been living in Reno for a while & I've noticed

that there's always traffic congestion in one area

the first time, I instinctively found that if I got in the left lane, I could get around it

and always go around the traffic and get off at the next exit,

and it frustrates me bc I know the answer

once I got angry and boxed out a driver in attempt to teach them

back in Ohio it was like 50% of the people knew so when these types of buildups occurred

eventually someone one would show the correct example and everyone would follow suit

my aunt in Israel in all seriousness marveled at the efficiency of American grocery store

she said in Israeli markets everyone would be trying to cut in front of one another

& everyone here is so patient just taking their spot in line.

It's the same in tough merger

it really is simple... in the merging lane, if you allow for (1) vehicle coming onto the freeway to merge

leave room for for one and continue there might be a slowdown but the traffic flow will be steady

so long as at least most people know the rule.

though what happens is, people will let someone go and then everyone in that lane feels like this is this their chance

so the guy who tried to do a nice gesture ends up stopped until someone lets his lane move and those frustrated people won't let anyone

merge anymore and they helplessly repeat the pattern

It may not be in the handbook though these are the kinds of things that I hope we will teach one another with