There are times of doubt,

I find, the most helpful thing to do

is explain the situation as you see it.

Well I needed work & there were a few options.

I chose on general interest & proximity.

Found out I made the right choice by working one weekend .

& getting to see what one of the options was.

and every day I'd see the same people.

& though I didn't like them all per say..

Over time, people tend to grow on you.

& there were some things that I didn't like

Though a general attatchment seems to develop.. and you never know, if you're making the right choice, because we tend to grow fond of some..

& I questioned them individually... When incidents arose..Does this mean I should go?

Mind you, they took a chance on me.. & they could've let me go

but continued to find me work..

Well they cut back my hours when I tried to work another job & in theory it was perfect.

I'd work enough to cover my bills and could work on the Fall of Love...

Though I was freaking out & when I found another job, that paid well I jumped on it..

Well I let those people down.. Though it was for money, you understand right?

and soon people will be looking forward to Christmas.

& I hesitated too... This new job was about as good as working for a payphone company or

video rental place... It was a water fountain factory...

Now they have fountains with automatic sensors that are touchless...

Back in the days, even when I was growing up, people would think nothing of it.

If someone asked to use your phone, at a store anyway or you could usually find a public phone somewhere.

However, these days, you are expected to bring your own.

Same with water, even if I order a burger, people look down upon asking if I can have a cup.

People don't seem to feel obligated to provide others with water, these days. & I feel at all times my marketability is trying to be dis proven...

Once in my hometown, people stopped going to the place I worked.

I don't know if they were being coerced, or threatened for supporting me

or it was just disdain for how I was acting, though god bless,

it turned into a thing, where it felt like people were risking themselves to show up at places I was working..

In Kentucky & California and New York etc. Kinda countering the cancel culture. People chose to support

It's expected: Under armour to pay someone millions, who already has them. & now Trump & Kanye have kind of taken suit, going for the heroic bad guy role but they are fully controlled

by the bad guys..

It's meant to cause doubt, spread division amongst democrats.

The thing is, I'm all for equality...

I voted for Obama the first time & even supported him over the other guy the 2nd.

I thought him an excellent example of a well spoken, intelligent American,

and I was in the hood when he was elected & people were so happy..

People hoped this was going to be the step that fixed everything.

& almost overnight, there was the blunt realization, that things just got worse.

Towards the end of his term, was the point when people in hoods were just being blatantly killed.

Tell me you haven't heard something questionable... They've been practicing doing the same thing in small countries.

They have it down to a science, as you see people.. We're so quick to be swayed..

by authorities with no regard and spurned the "black lives matter" "movement"...

Also around this time, Barack was going around Europe, on somewhat of a tour promoting

Monsanto and genetically engineering crops, to do not die when sprayed with roundup.

If you thought that was bad, get a look at what this guy is going on during this administration.

Some of the highlights include, pedophilia being pushed as acceptable, children should be able to make life altering choices

If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything.

Someone who is from the media tells you this is acceptable

Well we've always been able to trust the media for information...

Why would that change now?

The people we elected always had our interests at heart...

How could this no longer apply

We all experienced the pandemic, that was obviously planned and used to scam

& further the power and capital of people that run things anyway

most notably the medical companies, pharmaceuticals, insurance companies

As well as record profits for would be monopolies like Amazon and Wal Mart.

They thought nothing of killing a million Americans, with ventilators and it was found

that they received more money from covid related deaths.

There are demented sickos, that feel the Earth is theirs to profit from in every way.

If you have rationale, it should be apparent by this point:

It started 9/11/2001. When innocent Americans were killed by their own country men

as a means to go to war with Afghanistan for control of the opium trade and the profits of Halliburton

Dick Chaney's company. Controls were placed to allow for human trafficking and even worse the harvesting of human organs.

China's artificially low wages. Allowed for profits to anyone who simply bought and sold Chinese goods

& the middle class has slowly diminished to the current state of people who often became super rich for selling out our country in one

way or another.

and now here we are: with a highly inflated government.

I'd like to mention, no one in government stepped up to say that it was impossible that science could go for months without

understanding the

nature of a virus...

They just rolled with it.. To see if people, would be able to figure it out or not. If they could keep up a consistent front

and I guarantee, that if these same people are elected, they'll just keep trying, monkey pox, nuclear war...

Whatever they can do to set off the great reset and take power for themselves.

The majority of people are good, they have realized in some form or another that ethics, along with a healthy family, lead to a happy life. Sure no one is perfect.

However for the evil people have been putting people into powerful positions, that stand to gain from drugs, prostitution and have been disrupting family-life in general.

They are miserable self hating demons and since they can not achieve real happiness who only enjoy other peoples pain

Since masks, it has been open season for a powerful network of organized crime working with the police to attack opponents. Basically, inspiring people to join or get rolled over.

& it's become popular consensus that something needs to be done about population control.

I saw a meme that said in Russia, they have blocked porn hub and insisted people should meet people in real life.

Almost instantly: the response was, don't you think that'll effect the birth rate..

Like people being born is a bad thing.

I can verify that in the bible, it says to be fruitful and multiply.

Though we are under the impression that the Earth can not sustain so many people.

Though half of the Earth is untouched and we can build buildings, including indoor farms.

& we haven't even started doing so.

Instead of working on such technologies.

You may prefer not to look: Though there is evidence that:

The leaders of the world: are working towards poisoning and eliminating the current food supply.

It's all fargone, it is controlled for the wealth of the few and intended to maintain control.

We are no longer governed by ethics and love for fellow man.

& we know it should be.

At this point, there is little we can do, other then create an example of good government.

A shining beacon of possibly the last stronghold of democracy.

Racism and hatred are tools of causing division amongst people.

So I feel we can all benefit from the opposite.

an example of everything that makes humanity great and worthwhile

Well we don't know how: That's the beautiful thing, together we can figure it out.

If life isn't fair and you're tired of it..

What are some examples of when it has been?

What can we do to implement merit..

& it was neat, I got to see Americans assembling stuff:

with power tools, wrenches, glue, clamps

Though it's the pride of workers that make it all possible.

What if there were democratic businesses that split profits amongst

the people who make it possible.

With today's technology, 3d printers, molds..

There's no way, that we can't manufacture things cheaper in America

When including costs of shipping and tariffs.

A pride, for contributing to the economy instead of apparently, intentionally trying to dissuade people from working.

If people could make as much doing work, that wasn't questionable, they would not partake in unethical behaviors..

i.e. crime.

so good government would be a centralized system of making life profitable..

What we have is the opposite.. They are working to keep the status quo.

They are putting the brakes on humanity and milking anything they can.

It's not profitable, to solve problems,

Medical companies don't make money when people are healthy & don't have to go to the hospital.

They can't sell contraceptives and treatments if there aren't diseases..

It's just general backward thinking.

It's up to us as humanity to insist that we move forward in humanitarian pursuits

or suffer fascism on all fronts.

I don't by any means, insist people think like me..

If you see it differently, I want your feedback...

Or just keep doing the same thing, if you like how things are going.

Though if you don't, I insist that we figure out the specifics.

Because voting republican or democrat isn't going 'to solve it.

You expect it because

They're funded by the same people who show you the ads telling you: they're all despicable.