Some might argue that it's bad of you to be pleased...

In many instances, various cultures have groups of monk like individuals

who don't partake in life's pleasures..

They might live off of rice and water

Prey all day and feel that they are better than everyone else.

On the other hand is the glutton, who looks at life as only what can they enjoy..

In many instances, in the first case the people will try so hard to do good they end up doing weirder and more disgusting things... I've heard of such instances mostly in books, for example, deviation of the clergy: Instead having children, they are so preoccupied with sin that they end up fucking little boys.

This is not to say that one shouldn't try to live a hermit like lifestyle at times of their lives.. One deviant sure shouldn't ruin all people's quest for spirituality..

The other, might not realize that by enjoying all of life's pleasures, he's limiting himself.. An example being, the guy who loves to eat so much ,that he can barely walk, get out of his house and surely can't partake in acts of reproduction.

Then there are people who have obsessions with certain pleasures, nymphomaniacs, take something that is an essential part of the human cycle and turn it into a bad thing.

Even something that is necessary can be a hindrance if overused, or emphasized...

Some people cannot partake in alcohol... I do not argue that fact.. I met someone who was in and out of jail and prison and as soon as he stopped drinking... 17 years he didn't get in trouble. Others, like Sublime said, go straight to the rock... AA people would say that everyone is this way but that simply is not true...

It's like Double stuffed Oreos... Someone like myself might argue, for the same price, you get more calories, more sugar etc... Why would anyone buy the regular ones? Though there's a certain sweet spot... That is just the right amount of filling, that no one can really improve upon.

It's true that it's difficult to hit the spot, so again I'll explain it like:

When I was a smoker, on a road trip... Let's say... & I smoked a cigarette every 30 minutes or so... I found I didn't really enjoy any of them, I was just smoking out of boredom.. Now compare that to the satisfaction I would get when I had worked for 4 hours and went on a smoke break... One would say that a smoker might be unable to be moderate or that anyone that partakes in the drinking of alcoholic beverages will end up drinking from morning to night... That's simply not true... Given the better the substance, the more difficult it is to moderate.. Though plenty of people drink after work or only on the weekends and to say it is impossible is just annoying.

If someone is not having sex, I could see them being mad at those who do.

Ideally, I think life is made to be enjoyed moderately.. A person who wants to spend their days, an idler just seeking pleasure is not a man, or simply is an animal form of a human.. Even if they can perform complex tasks like using a playstation.. I read a tweet that said: "I really hate the no person who works a full time job should live in poverty discourse because it should simply by that nobody deserves to live in poverty. We gotta let go of this idea that we work in exchange for worth, People are innately worthy + deserving of the basics.

I disagree, though I feel the system should be made to utilize the efforts of every individual, and somehow I feel we have strayed pretty far from that..<> They say homo sapien means wise man in Latin.. Though I was taught humans are defined as man the maker.

This is my opinion only but for a person to be happy they need to exert themselves, physically and mentally... These tasks release endorphins or whatever and lead to a happy life. Not to mention that different countries are competing for gross national product. Now one person who works full time produces over 10 times as much as they need.. Then add to that, people with the use of tools, can produce way more then that.. So if everyone were on board and the production output could be out of this world, possibly creating abundance on Earth..

However for the last some thousands of years the devil has insisted on not enough..

So he can watch what people do to scramble and try to get there's.

*the conspiracist in me says the program is made as an outlet for appearance sake so those can pretend they are clean and get their drugs soley from those who host the meetings.