One out of 100,000 odds

are you gonna play the lotto?

Well, I guess that depends on the size of the prize...

Someone used to say: I plays for keeps

in a Will Ferrell type manner

Well it's the test of time.

Are people gonna stand up to Goliath?

Used to put it on just one man.

Though every individual effort is more of a relief

Even the crowd in the stands has an effect on the outcome of the game

If love is to win

It's going to take butterflies and a lot of laughs

basically, a major adjustment..

A good part of the challenge is remembering / figuring out


Being on camera was awkward at 1st.

Generations later, people might go a whole lifetime

without knowing what it feels like to be off camera.

It's weird right? That there are some, that would rejoice in humanities worst nightmare

Everybody is stuck inside their confounded dwelling...

It's like, before, I'd just go to work & was content just seeing other people pushing their carts at the grocery store, fellow humans at the gas pumps If that wasn't lonely enough..

Mall & club shooters

Now I imagine this is the 1st of a string of virus scares

It's the plan of an evil elite group who basically act on the principle

that their children are gonna have the most hoes

I say that because it's obvious

they say it's not what you say but how you say it.

proactive approach

I got from Jane Austen

When all else fails

at least you can do your part by

expressing the dilemma at hand into words

so that people who weren't there, don't have any misapprehensions.

So I read up on it

estimates are that 15,000 to 80,000 Americans die from the flu or influenza every year

I had no idea

Though I think it's those damn flu shots

People who might've not got sick that year, gave it to themselves under the pretense that it wouldn't be as bad..

& now we have a super-flu

Sick people if you had like .01% chance of dying from it

you now have a 1% chance

If the news reporters would have presented it like that, we might be dealing with a different kind of monster. does vitamin c help?

Can you get corona once you've already had it? these questions and more will be answered eventually

People are freaking out that they can't get a test..p> If you think about it, what good is a test, when there's no treatment anyway..

So you've got Corona.. Time to get chicken soup.. Green Tea, lots of water..

It's really important you take care of yourself so you don't die.

Especially the elderly.

Before it was important not to spread the germs and stay home if your sick

Now it's way more so...

People need to be social, have a need for others..

it's a quality of life issue So I forsee a future that is even more lonely

Humanity as a whole, that's unacceptable

Maybe this is why native Americans didn't embrace Western way of life

We should be figuring out more fun activities

Instead the bullshit we've accepted isn't even allowed to go on.

So many people are on Xanex already, they might have panic attacks just leaving the house.

All this news about the virus, I even felt myself unsure out in public... I'm going about my day, out of no where..Aw fuck did I just pick up corona, I hope I'm not gonna die.. Pull yourself together man...

It's unacceptable to constantly be in fear..

This is what happens when you expect everything to be done for you..

That's when it's time for people to step up and take control of their environment

proactive measures to deal with the problems of society otherwise I think it's just going to get worse

Well if it's unsafe to have unprotected sex..

Wrong, everyone who lives here has been tested and is free from sexual diseases

The great thing about living in a big city

Is you could potentially meet with millions of other people who live there

Though most hardly even interact.. Its up to people to make a place safe from diseases..

Might have to make an incubation period before you can enter... See society is made for convenience sake.. Family used to have to build your house, hunt, farm, cook, store food People had like 10 kids so they could get it all done.. Yet even then

they would go to the store to buy some stuff

Modern life, just focus on school

where you learn to do your part in society

Lets say you go to college for programming..

You spend your 8 hours a day in front of the computer and the stores have everything you need all you gotta do is buy it.. Well that's great, until the stores start using genetically modified products that might be harmful.. Until you have to pay half a million for your home in payments for 30 years... End up spending a million dollars for a 70 year old 2 bedroom house because it's in the vicinity of your work.. After it's paid off, you still have to pay sky high property taxes..

People complain all the time..

It's another thing to offer a solution or a better way.

By the people, for the people

Well if you don't like capitalism theirs socialism..

Don't like republicans there are democrats

Its good that you have a choice but only 2 options isn't enough either.

What I want to see is a group of people start creating self sufficiency If corporations are too focused on making money and aren't offering the quality of life we deserve ex em out There are a lot of people who can't picture a life without McDonalds or Nike this isn't for you..

In the long run like minded individuals to work together to create community and commerce and protect their families future