you have all the advantages of looking like you do.

& I try to rationalize it, look I was born into this body.

I didn't get to choose it,

I remember well into the Obama administration

I was shocked to read something in the paper,

the News had never mentioned whites and blacks before

& times had changed since I first met one of my best friends..

I usually did my best to avoid the topic, though I had bumped:..

I went to visit him & it was weird, he brought it up as to test the waters..

I think he told his girl, Ben is a real master...

& I quickly responded that the only Master I knew..

was Master P who lived a brief illegal life to allow him to go legit and produce and distribute music

then he played in the NBA for 2 seasons, bought a solid gold tank, when gold was worth less then a quarter of what it was worth then

got 300 million way before Puffy and then mostly just worked on projects for his son Romeo.

I thought it was a good answer but it just couldn't get through to him.

though I'm first generation

my parents came here in the 80's parents came from Russia, had nothing to do with slavery..

Between him and the other guy I was talking about, they encompass two of the most intelligent people I've ever dealt with in my life.

& if I can't get it across to them, I don't think there's much of a chance. With Monster, I never felt that way..

Like he had the missing component, he could've been the proponent the key to the puzzle that will never be solved now.

One of the best ways to see what's going on in our country is by looking at what people are doing in other countries

on a small scale what they're doing here and vis a versa. In many underdeveloped countries.. I'm sure the pandemic has been used to

openly kill millions of

their opponents, without recourse because it was a troubled times and they can not possibly be expected to keep law and order Especially with people in masks having a 40% better chance at getting away with crime. Not to mention those that profited from all the scamming and relief

and the tracking & the masks & all the testing just billions of dollars, straight taken from the government to make for inflation.. So everything would be harder for Americans.. & dude brought up an interview of a guy who won a million dollars in a single bet. & goes, that's what these guys are doing, these same mother fuckers who profited off the misery of a whole nation, right now are living it up..

Fucking all the hoes.. Who need gas money and doubled rent money and it made me furious.

& now here comes Kanye to set off the race war. Divide the democrats... If you like democratic policies like calling people them, saying that pedophilia is a preference.. Children are not allowed to vote to decide if they should be allowed to fuck adults or not They can not even make the decision to purchase alcohol or tobacco if they want it.. Though they should be able to mutate their genitalia

if the thought somehow gets in their heads.. Because the plastic surgeons aren't making enough with fake titties and lips and ass they want the parents to pay 30gs or whatever to basically make their child a crack whore and help solve the depopulation agenda. The news, is in control.. They say that that's ok &

If you don't want to make America crackheads, you should vote republican... Is basically the message

& the right, somehow, is probably even worse.. The same intentions, they parties just use one another to spawn hatred for the other side. All the while, we're missing where our hate should be directed...

At the guy who gave 15,000 for everyone put on a respirator.

Those who had the most to gain..

whoever these people we are, I insist we show no prejudice.

Used to be if someone in Iran wanted to let their hair down

they'd try to get into America but white America doesn't want them..

& "democratic" America is a fucking mess.

So they have to protest, to try to get their own people to change...

a word to my loved one song

Their tribe isn't going to...

& even if she said, I don't give a damn about my tribe, I want freedom...

Where is she supposed to go? There isn't a place where that doesn't matter..

Where a person doesn't have to follow their group & can decide if they want to go to services or not.

That they can even change religions, if they fucking feel like it. Or not believe in anything at all..

So long as they don't hurt anyone else.

No, you are a part of your race, you must either work with them or fight by yourself.

& a long time ago, me personally, I took a break from what I was doing...

It took a turn for the worse, I knew I didn't like it, I couldn't understand why...

I was so saddened from the events that took place between my family and friends..

I let my job get sacrificed... The one that had been keeping me afloat.

& they did nothing wrong, I just couldn't keep up with it. Doing the same thing..

Said I was going to do something else. & I took a lot of time, considering

what I wanted to do.. Kinda wanted someone to step up and encourage in the art department I guess.

I don't know what my problem is...

It's not that I'm finding fault in my blessings,

it's that I really don't want to screw them up...

Rather put it off.

Someone dear to me, said life isn't a dress rehearsal.

& I can't wait too long..

Regardless of what's going on, where I'm at.

The people at pfizer believe it has been long enough to reintroduce

vaccine mandates and public announcements saying the only people now seriously ill are the unvaccinated.

The statistics never really mattered... The news say whatever they want to say..

Luckily I hit the sweet spot, where people had every right to be outraged...

How could we have the largest rates of people seriously ill from covid if 70% is vaccinated?

& now they're back at it, it's basically like an updated flu shot and they're selling you on the fea

that if everyone doesn't get this, it's going to be bad.

& it's been dis proven, the science of the matter, seems like a joke

Though there are pictures of people in masks on social media again & it feels like they're going for another push.

& I saw a list that was distributed in LA of who stood the most to gain by the scamdemic

on the list were ewish people include

the director and deputy director of th cdc

the secretary of state

the deputy secretary of state

secretary of treasury

ceo of pfizer

attorney general

chief of staff

chair of fcc

department of health

Chief medical officer

& again there are specifics, however I haven't checked if they are true or not. Regardless of race,.. Those all these are supposedly Jewish so I'm not denying a pattern if it shows truth. This proves that there is an underlying network. Though certainly all not Jewish.. The difficult part is where do you discern... What if: there are some really wealthy Catholic people that were found to be hold prominent positions in this whole scamdemic thing as well... Would you blame the guy who works his whole life for the union to provide for his family and goes to mass, every week and thereby supports the Catholic faith, is anyone who takes part of St. Paul's network to blame for the doings of the higher ups? Because I know for a fact there is a Jewish federation & they print news letters and they really do try hard to work on their community. Ideally people could get past this giant hurdle, the biggest barrier to human improvement.

Race... & be able to team up with people all over the country.

Though we don't have that yet, so naturally, like the Armenians group up together in L.A. or the Albanians in New York..

The Catholics are not totally united.

I read a book about he 7 day war & supposedly Israel was working with scrap materials from the U.S. for tanks & shit

though primarily what won them the war. Was that the attacking nations went into the battle as a unified Muslim front.

When they would make gains, they would fight amongst one another, for who

would get the land. They consider themselves separate and a unified Jewish people would, regroup

In Israel as in New York, the Russian Jews typically stay with themselves, and they're always complaining about those damn Morracans.]

In Miami, it's the Cubans.. Anyway..

Rochelle Welensy Director of the CDC

CEO of Pfizer Albert Bourla

Chief Medical Officer: Tal Zaks

Johnson & Johnson CEo Alex Gorsky

Director of the CDC Jeff Reczek

Deputy Directir Anne Scgycgat

CDC Chief of Staff Sherry Berger

CDC Chief Medical officer: Mitchell Wolfe

Covid Senior adviser Andy Slavitt

Pfizer Chief Scientist Mikael Dolstein

Blackrock CEO Larry Frin

Blackrock President Rob Kapito

We all know it's the group efforts of a somewhat secret network that plotted this up and have hold all over the world.

It is up to us to systematically and without prejudice try these people for their crimes...

Whether or not these people are Jewish, I feel it is important to stop, & consider all these positions and also who were in office

when the original corona virus attack dazed and confused Americans into fear and what I consider the worst time in my entire almost 40

years of life.

& it's getting better, it could even go back to a somewhat crippled normal, though they are still pushing their agenda..

Bill Gates has a new terrible deadly virus that you ought to be concerned about. 8.0

& now we have a scapegoat...

Who knew, the Jews...s

& it's beyond me... I feel the need to investigate all these roles and whoever else who seems suspiciously had a lot to gain in the matter, whether it's Jew, Christian, Mason or Muslim

I knew he was talking nonsense.. Wtf do muslims have to do with this... I'm saying that all the aforementioned should be treated like a muslims and added to the list

of suspicious ties like George Bush & his friendship/ partnership with the Bin Laden family. & Dick Chaney, who stood to profit so much off of a war with terrorism.

All of these people, I feel should at least be tried with grand domestic terrorism and high treason.

as a jew who gave up my position to fight in the 3rd world with those who don't care about their race and still come to America, despite it's inconsistencies and hate,

it's horrible amount of hatred towards others, especially found in racism. It's all we've got as an outlet. Or at least, all we have to group up with...

Well if united we stand and divided we fall... At least I can stand united with my brothers...

Though as a bunch of warring tribes, we stand no chance. As a United Nation, we literally have: good odds.

& I'll repeat it again.. I went to Detroit & a 5% treated me to a cold faygo on a hot day and told me about his beliefs much like any culture I've encountered

& it was hard for me to accept when he said they believe white people are devils.. They don't really know what they're doing..

They're just like the vikings lets say: Just pillaging, destroying, raping everything in the way... It's just their nature...

& I go so they're saying all white people are bad? & does that make every black person good?

& he goes: hell no, all black people aren't good, some black people are the very worst ones.

& some white people are good. That was good enough for me.

Though it wasn't enough for ant man

& I watched a drinchamps with Master P

& Nore finally said it... why'd you call yourself that?

When I think of that word, I think I think of slave masters

even when I'm watching golf.

& I laughed & never tried to use that word

I usually called him P Miller to avoid all that

because I feel like me & him, really could play in the NBA for a couple years

I really meant it as a pep talk.. Like lets get through this and make some money real quick

so we could do that, I'm not saying I'm better then him or worse but I feel we could both make it any any position physically, athletically, mentaly, even in the business world.

Though I was too tired and irritated to note the specifics to an already angry at being to cramped and drunk as fuck dude with not cot to sleep in.

& I was being a slob, I tried to explain it like dude to make sure rent would be good I worked 65 hours that one week and I've been working 40 hours

for the last month, getting minimal sleep because of this situation, we need to figure out a way to improve that because I' a walking mess...

I'm trying to keep it together, do laundry & rightfully he said it only takes a minute to clean the toilet etc. show some effort I just felt, that I shouldn't have to because he's been chilling, work for a few days, quit the job, work somewhere else, quit it and rest & I was glad because he was going about it gradually & that's the best way. I'm just saying please just overlook my defects for a little & when you're tired

as fuck, you'll understand. Or I'll make sure I step it up. I hoped to evoke all those sentiments by saying we'll see how you're feeling on Thursday

& figured him, in that state, to consider all those factors. I think he thought I meant, that I'll be getting him back then.

& I vould see how much he hated me.. It reminded me of an instance when I was looking for a place in Reynoldsburg

& this inbred looking, ugliest person I ever imagined was talking down to this "black guy" who was tall and fit and exuded what I thought was a beautiful persona.

& the former, felt it was his need to put him into some kind of inferior position otherwise, he might use all those good things and go against him somehow.

& it doesn't matter what race, it's a hatred in your heart and I couldn't get my two friends off of it..

Even when I stated, my family, on all sides were Nazi Killers.. Fought in Russia and Japan to beat up the "master race." my grandma worked in the bullet factory

There's something in them, I don't know if it's racism per se, that could not acknowledge that fact.

That 25,000,000 Russians died to push them back all the way to Berlin and they took half the city and infiltrated...

Because they knew they'd be back, World War I, World War II, and now here we go again, the Nazi's feel it is their obligation to enslave the world once more..

& they've got the news, so it's too big to fail.

Once I made the example: that I'd like to build on: That the German hatred towards Jews probably had

In the Wash, Snoop would wake up and light a blunt & that always hit with me,

I don't trust myself to be awake otherwise, I'm somewhat of an animal at heart.

Take the time to consider the evidence, just like any other person & question if you want to be associated with a federation that really does support the destruction

of a great nation and torture of the general population, including families, kept apart, from touching one another... The mental health of hundreds of millions

of people in this country and the figures are sickening, for personal wealth and an advantage over everyone else. The bridge has collapsed.. The gap of wealthy and poor

the power of America lied in it's middle class and it's representation simply is no longer adequate and you either accept the ruling of the federal government

or get rolled over. The same thing, if you're Catholic or any religion, it's mostly like a conglomerate of many ethnicities and groups, working together that is the cause.

and until we look at every individual singularly and if we find enough reason, put them on trial. I don't want to hear any talk of it's the Jews

I mentioned the example before & I want to build on it. & I might mention it again somewhere in the text..

the idea that someone killed and raped the Jewish barrista in Germany back in the 40s or whatever

They wanted to do that kind of shit, obviously she wasn't one of the overlords that were destroying the German economy...

She was a girl who probably got some furniture from the equivalent of the Jewish St. Pauls. Almost everywhere has a Jewish family

services. & I assure you, these are not the people to hate crime.. Well you can't expect us to get mad at the C.E.O. of pfizer, he's rich...

Dumbass Mfers..

Though they need an outlet to do the sick shit that they want to do anyway. It's sexy to them to enslave a people

Just like it is to all heartless people of any race... They just say, that if they don't do it, someone else will, so it's up to us to do it so we're the one's who have the fun.

& it's true, in many respects, democrats have been just as sick and demented as republicans who achieve positions in national government...

Who was it? Rapey Mcforehead I think they called him. Had his picture with 3, I'll have to admit, pretty hot 14 year olds...

Now I by all means think it's weird to even be attracted to any 18 year old at this point... Even 30 is pushing it...

& this scumbag creep feels it's his right as a member of government to be able to go and fuck little kids, is the exact opposite of good


You want others to be just but you do not implement it, rather you use your position to get away with the things you punish others for.

Our president's dead beat son, handles some bullshit money laundering thing with Ukraine while openly smoking crack like it isn't illegal and a felony to posess cocaine, especially in that form.

At this point we don't expect fair. It's a bunch of sickos and we either support one or the other

& he'd sleep & smile, that's how I knew he was a good dude

Though he had this Look towards me like the grinch

I dunno how to compare it other then the guy from RB... I don't know what's a good nickname for it it goes old east, out east & east east maybe..

It's funny though, how it's reversed and some people see that same thing in me, & often its others who feel they're oppressed, who see me shine

a cold heart isn't any particular race, just like a loving one isn't.

There was this guy in Cleveland, who said he used to be a pimp

he had a girl, who would fuck Dr.s and people like that then come back, bring him half of the money and spend most of the rest on crack & I was told this is not a hooker.. It's something else & he was humbled.. Someone people were always warning him about shot him in the back and paralyzed him.

and he explained it like this: If there's a big scary man saying suck dick or die.. He said if someone came at him like that, he'd be sucking because he wants to live. & since he's in no position to protect his sister from that man... He deals with it by working towards having his place paid off.

& I talked to him a few years ago and he was on his way to making the next investment, with the goal of eventually be ing able to take care of his family.

& I felt the full force of people who thrive on hatred... If you don't do what I say, I'll force you to with PAIN! & I could picture myself being in fear.

& it's a fact, & I take this very seriously, that people will use fear to of being being hurt or killed as a means to force people into doing what they want. Though if you have overwhelming numbers, in theory you wouldn't even have to fight.

No Army is going to attack a united 90% of their own population.. So they've invented drones and even if it's not race, there are plenty of castes in every country.