The fact is, throughout the world the pandemic has been an excuse and way to effectively kill minorities, celebrity / political leaders, outspoken critics and poor people, (they died suddenly) while everyone else is distracted with masks and the cdc regulations and concern over family and self. -Ben Krongauz

In 1955 an article called the powerful placebo

some guy named Beecher basically affirmed that often times, it's not the medication that's helping..

That somehow, just the idea that a person is taking medicine can be considerably more effective then the chemicals they are using...

He said to accurately gauge if it's truly beneficial, should put the results of a substance up against a group that is given phony meds, made up of sugar and calcium or something of the likes...

he cited dozens of examples where many test subjects of a new drug, claimed it had helped their ailment... However just as many or sometimes more people claimed that

the sugar-pill made them feel considerably better. Well after news of birth defects caused by a drug thalidomide, people started to insist that if drugs with serious side effects were to be introduced to the general public for consumption, they should at least have (one would hope considerably higher scores) then pills that have no significant benefit. In 1962 congress introduced legislation that amended the Food Drug and cosmetic act requiring placebo control groups. Today to win FDA approval a new medication must beat placebo in at least 2 authenticated trials. (That's it?)

It's funny because it's not their fault. WTF stupid.. U got high off sucrose.. Like you hear of kids acting drunk when they were given O'Douls or something like that... It's just the power of the brain effecting reality... That's why to some effect, when I read the Secret, I whole heatedly agreed, if you can visualize it & believe it is entirely more plausible that it will come true...

Though I felt the author made a Dogma out of it, as to be expected if her intention is to sell copies and to emphasize the validity & importance of what she's saying.. I estimate visualizing, affirmation and general practice of manifestation to be somewhere from 20 to 50% of the battle.

This page is going to deal with a variety of topics, loosely related, one of which being:

Once I was on a moving job and the driver was doing some paperwork, while I waited outside.. Some neighbors were

arguing, and even though their argument had nothing to do with me, as the time went by I could feel

myself tensing up and getting angry and frustrated..

I began moving boxes and didn't have a choice in

overhearing their argument my day got progressively worse... & even after they were finished I found myself upset

about it for hours.. Now possibly I'm particularly sensitive, whereas an average New Yorker is used to such commotion.

Then again there have been studies, most notable IKEA, where people would even yell at plants,

while other plants that were treated positively had remarkably better results.

I don't know how serious the plant thing is..

Now it's funny, we as a Western society, since the 70s have tended to ignore hallucinogens or just put them in that crazy category of stuff not intended to be understood. Though with the rise in popularity of Marijuana throughout America and I'd like to say worldwide.. I would like to comment on some interesting findings I've had.. I may have gone over this already but when sick: I usually go through a regiment of vitamin c, water, green tea and or ginger tea or teas in general and insisting on caloric intake regardless of appetite.. Well nothing helps my appetite more then some sticky green, though even moreso... I've noticed when suffering with the flu I'll often say to myself, I feel awful, oh I don't feel good, this is terrible etc. and after smoking weed, not cigarettes.. I feel cigarettes are probably the worst thing you can do when sick and when I was a smoker, I'd automatically stop craving them when I got the flu. So after smoking weed I'd feel better, partially because I could feel myself saying oh this isn't so bad, oh I'm feeling better, it's kinda like the cup is half full kind of thing..

Now take it to the next level and ingest hallucinogenic mushrooms with proper supervision and one might find sufficient evidence for that 20-50% I was talking about earlier... I mean one's mind is susceptible to thoughts and feelings at all times, however when tripping one can get a good idea of just how serious the power of positive thinking really is and hopefully apply it when they are sober..

To site example, my 1st time was around Halloween, for some reason that was usually the time they'd be around and I only ate 2 or 3 and I wasn't really sure what to expect but when I hit that joint son...

I must say I was not prepared for what followed.. I felt connected to the universe like never before.. I felt good and way stronger then usual, like my body was working at twice as much as usual, the 6 hours felt like at least 12 and afterwords my whole being felt sore...

Though there was an interesting incident, all night the walls had been pulsating in a friendly manner, just kind of swaying... We were walking outside and suddenly the shadows metamorphasized into one of those pumpkin faces.. I mean I didnt know what to expect so I called out to my friend in fear, something like omg there are jack o lanterns everywhere.. She knowingly says to me in a matter of fact tone, those aren't jakolanterns, they are snow flakes....

& you know how in school they'd have those little paper mache cut outs of what snowflakes supposedly look like under a microscope.. Tell me why instantaneously all the cement blocks had those imprinted on them... It really put things into perspective and I didn't need any further help with getting through the experience.

Recently there have been studies that have had positive findings with psycogoblin or whatever the technical term is and psychosis...

I think certain people, the shaman or medicine men of society are better equipped for the likes.. I don't think I'd recommend spores for most people.. Our predominant left brain, western centered minds aren't prepared for it and I think that's one of the main things humanity ought to overcome is that balance...

Often I hear people say we only use 10% of their brains... However whenever one mentions using the right brain, it's like oh no, we don't do that ..... So tell me why you are complaining?

I'm just kidding, it really is a scary realm, it's like a contrary world, going on at the same time.. Once a year is more then enough for me..

A big part of that is even though the west has dominated the east & men have proven they are capable of dominating females, I believe we ought to not want to...

Peace would be a hell of a balance..


a lot of people I've met swear by LSD... I never tried it because a really smart kid I knew developed a stutter from dropping acid..

I mean, I thought every experience with mushrooms was a great experience, especally to share with your loved ones,

in nature... I had seen others have em and I'd like to say I never had a bad trip..

Though I got some from someone I didn't trust.. I've never had insomnia until I came to Reno and a bad trip reminds me of sleeplessness,

honestly this whole corona thing is a perfect example..

Since high school, people knew that I got fucked up sometimes and stood by me anyway

and it's one of my biggest regrets, that I ever broke character, or broke the trust.

There were a lot of hippies and I find it interesting that one man (Nixon)

put an end to mainstream psychedelic use. Stating it's not worth a damn.

and just like that, it wasn't.

My dad way back in the day, stood by the synopsis: If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?

That's the game we are playing: capitalism...

So I would like to see good examples of successful people who were day trippers like the Beatles...

My hippy friend was so impressed that Grateful dead sold more tickets than anyone

and gave away all their money...

That's another topic

Money power and respect has been accepted since Scarface..

It just sounded right however, amongst people on the streets who have no money, I found there was a different and

more real respect.. Pretty much I feel that for a long time people have made it a point to insist that anyone who

follows these moral guidelines should end up on the street..

<- Different translations

In the 80s and 90s pharmaceutical companies had made amounts of money that were unimaginable before


The following is totally made up:

In 2009

Some of these companies like Pfizer had gotten so big that tried and true medicines like weed and liquor were standing in the way of their profits

Interesting enough, they further tested this synopsis and found that when exchanging the former substance with a liquid

that did not provide the euphoria, sharpness* or social boost.. Most alcohol consumers, would continue to buy and consume it, anyway still hoping for the effects they recalled in the past.

Likewise I feel they did something to it because..

Medical, recreational or dispensary weed tends to start of extremely panicky.. Like getting high is something to overcome... Some might argue that was always the case, maybe somewhat if you hadn't smoked for many days but nah, I'm certain our dank growing up used to be very smooth and would on the contrary make on feel more in tune with the world and every now and then I'll get some good green that reaffirms that suspicion so I have decided to abstain.

Pavlov would ring a bell before time to eat.

I forget how this ties in...

Women for the most part will just go with whatever, so long as they are safe...

though generally it's up to the men to stand up for something

Looking all sad with your mask on

I stepped into a casino trying to get change

This public service announcement came on..

Said everyone must wear a mask...

It's ok to put it down, while taking a sip of your drink

or taking a puff of a cigarette

However the mask must be put on your nose and mouth afterwords

Then they had a statement saying they will enforce that..

I'm certain they have security guards that they pay to come up to people, saying something like excuse me sir but you have finished your sip and haven't put your mask on over both parts of your face,

I'd rather he be like what the fuck are are you thinking? Are you trying to give us all a really bad flu? Put your damn mask on! & then everyone just looks at him like, well he's just doing his job... The worst part, is they tell us you can still get it from your ears and eyes...

This is no longer America, please call it something else.

and what we have developed throughout the world is lilly liver, compromising chicken shit men who sit down to pee.

In any generation of the past, this would not fly.. Today's examples of masculinity would be bullied

Luckily, thank god for Iowa, I've never been there...

There was a time, before the 2nd Obama election, where I'd tell people I was from Ohio and they'd be like... Where? Iowa? Which is exactly what I'd say when I heard someone mention the latter...

I met a very nice guy from there in Oakland once.

I imagine it to be a lot like everywhere else, except extra white..

So there is still hope, so long as popular majority influences local regulations

and some people with common sense can be like, no that's stupid, I will decide for myself..

I believe Iowa and Florida had mask legislation and officially rolled it back...

I imagine they will be strenuously targeted because of that like the Michigan restaurant

that got fined and people kept throwing down to pay their fines..

I think Arizona never even made mask rules

I thank you all for keeping the land of the free, still somewhat free.

Though some would argue there's no such thing.

Just the idea is beauty

Because in theory.. Since god is all powerful, he could force us all to do his bidding, strike us down if we sin etc.

Though theoretically he chose to stay in the background and give people the freedom to believe in em or not.

I don't care what you're beliefs are, to me that is the definition of beautiful.

*I feel somewhere in the range of 1-3 shots of high quality liquor could be beneficial in tests of coordination and cognition to some people. However that sharpness quickly deteriorates with excessive use