The worst form of government is tyranny Disagree and you'll be thrown in jail or killed

It's funny that what pops in my head, is directly correlated to what I read

I found a book by JFK's brother

Just talking about what he did many years ago.

He's a diplomat and whether he's saying it to the people of Japan or Cambodia..

Swaying them to capitalism

the lesser of two evils.

& who was he to know that what he was doing would also prove to be futile

The works that started around 2000 now I believe we now support a police state in other countries

Turkey tried to pick their own guy


they are trying to get rid of

successfully getting rid of the opposition

those that might speak out

that worldwide

people are being used to benefit the ones in power

People should always be ready to oppose the State

In the event that they deviate from their own ideal.

It is to be expected that money and power hungry will constantly pursue getting the system to work for them

The last 20 years or so has been a down grade for a lot of people

There are some who are loving it

They seem to be the worst of the bunch

so back in the 60s they were still idealistic they had passed social programs and were optimistic about our success of tackling the ills of society. Though the temptation **** before they were abused by both sides

What JFK's brother told someone was that we in America have the government in place for the benefit of the people

Now the people who want everyone to comply are making...

The final Push

If you've ever wanted to help

Those that society seems to hate lets make a productive community of them

Someone flies the

Lesbian flag

Republican conservative across the street hates them

Well that's the cost of living in a Megapolis.

there's going to be a diversity in Ideas

and in many like minded small towns people all hate

so if some hillbilly trash can manage a municipality

why couldn't we?

The thing about the Establishment is that's it's already established

The United States is the child of the revolution

Many nations imitated

started with England's democratic elections

Now it's wrestling,

General lack of culture / propaganda

have cause: pursuit of happiness, freedom of speech

Not cultish

or a mormonistic break from society

Insist we comply

A lot of behavior that is being standardized is barbarous

Those that are helping eliminate their competition

Who do you think they're going to go after next?

When they don't need you?

Paying $50,000 to take online courses that cost them nothing so one can just buy into the system and get paid as a professional

Poverty Finally Addressed

Everyone has this home

communal kitchen / bathrooms and showers To save costs

If you make glass out of sand that house maybe will cost $1,000 dollars to build.. Hopefully wouldn't take longer then a week..

eventually when there's technology the restrooms could sanitize themselves

or there will be room to build own restroom by the house later on in the process.

Even playing field

First build homes

build public kitchens

Wind turbine

Up to the people to work

Give them the tools and experts + make stuff great

for the city

work up to 40 hours

15 hours menial work requirement to have

Only thing that is recorded is town hall twice a week to show the world progress

In this municipality it's the government responsibility

to help organize and create your idea

whether it's obtaining the necessary tools

standardizing a process

Employing an individual

The concept is the more wealth is spread..

The more it breeds more wealth.

Anyone with an idea should be able to capitalize on their own work.

Successful you:

Makes for a great state

since they get 15% of your profits.

That money goes straight to building more houses, bathrooms, windmills and solar panels

In a transparent manner.. Instead of the government milking everything - what if they got everything in bulk with big buying power to pass the savings on to the citizens

Also building projects in the works - Modern Marvels

Beautiful places for the public to enjoy themselves.

and don't have to think about the pesky drawbacks of things like GMO's or sweat shop labor and supporting the one of 5 companies you have the option to buy from & the things that we can't seemingly avoid for instance: fossil fuels.