I want to be an influencer

Have people support me by selling t shirts & mugs

I'm looking for a labor job and in the meanwhile just working on my dream..

someone called me talking about a sales position from home

& it sounded like she was getting paid per presentation that people watched.

and I heard her baby crying in the background..

There really isn't much for a girl to do, if she works at McDonalds or something they'll look at her like a Mexican.

There's this Russian guy pimping women online, paying them to do porn...

I saw a girl at the market, she was wearing an official looking dress shirt with a tablet and she goes to markets and asks the owner to allow them to take pictures of their stores and inventory.

she gets like ten bucks for doing it and maybe goes to 2 or 3 a stores day..

. Either it's a strange time in history or it's always been this way.

I feel these days, Corporations expect the same thing from a woman as the streets, though in disguise

I'll be damned if some Churches aren't doing it to, using something good to cloak their evil.

Only 20% of America makes money independently.

80% of all money made in America is corporate.


These are your options. There are Americans living in coal mine towns where the only option is pimping your sister to foreign interests.

If not, they have to find a way to get on SSI

Because there's only a few strip malls and restaurants to choose from.

Some would say.. Well, one should get an education. Get the student loans and move to a different city or work remotely.

AI has come into the main stream in the last year or so and people are saying it's going to eliminate millions of desk jobs.

One person with AI can do the work of maybe 5 or more.

For someone who likes to spend their day exercising and their free time using their mind. The job market is really frustrating. The guys who do all the work paving a driveway for example make $40k while the guy who just goes and talks to the customer and sells the driveway makes 100.

Prices on homes and apartments have skyrocketed those in government are not interested in making it better for the average person. their campaigns are financed by these same corporations to ensure everything keeps going the same way.

I've done a lot of investigating in this matter

As we all know America was the first country to create a constitution and democratic elections.

The bravery of the colonists in waging war against Great Britain led to a new system that was imitated throughout the world.

and the United States thrived under capitalism

until 1935. In 1917 a new for of government was created, communism. Around 1930 USSR had rapidly industrialized

and this new form of government, although still inefficient in distributing consumer goods and making anything of quality had some benefits that were easy to see.

Under socialism, everyone was housed and fed, everyone had a job and received a month long vacation.

This was the same time that was the worst economic period in U.S. history, the Great depression.

2 million Americans were tramping around the country looking for work.

Multiple families were crowded in single family homes

Germany had started giving pensions in the late 1800s and the UK followed suit.

& Roosevelt created the New Deal in 1935 where he broke up monopolies that were hoarding the nations wealth.

Included in the deal was the Social Security Act.

Before this, Americans had to provide for themselves and were expected to save for their own retirement.

If people wanted to help poor and destitute people, it was up to them to choose to do so.

Well, for the first time in American history small portion of everyone's pay check was collected to provide for the elderly and people paid into the system, were guaranteed care in their old age.

The new policy was helpful and after world war 2 Europe was devastated while America was in tact.

They had manufactured munitions for the war and all that was left to do was to change that into manufacturing goods for the world market.

The average American's salary doubled and people could buy more stuff, in turn, people made more stuff to buy and this became a time of prosparity for our nation.

Pretty safe to say: Our founding fathers felt this way

I borrowed heavy from federalsafetynet.com

to explain how exactly it went down.

So there was the social security act

then the housing act that built low rent housing

That was later expanded

the National school lunch act

Then Lyndon B. came thru with "Great Society" programs

including housing assistance

child nutrition



Pell Grants

Head start

Job Training

and after that there was SSI



The Child Care Program

& Lifeline

all these programs have been expanded throughout the years

& If I'm not mistaken about 1/4 of the national

budget is now welfare

Which brings up an important question...

What exactly should government be responsible for?

The term is theoretical at best..

Used to be, if you wanted to live in a country, you have to follow the rules

on a national and local level. & whole nations were run in the interests of a ruling family.

& America was an improvement, as the wealth was spread amongst a group of individuals.

Though since then and historically

politicians have always served the interests of the wealthy

The people who produce wealth for the nation naturally should have some sort of preference.

However the need for campaign funds for an individual's election and possible reelection are direct motivation to taylor the country to their interests.

When Europeans came to America, the natives of the country apparently didn't even understand ownership...

How can one own the land? It was obviously put here for all of us...

More importantly, who owns the resources? As it stands, it's rich people that got ahead of themselves and now feel that even the people

who live in a country are also resources for them to use.

To dispose of if they see fit.

This is nothing new it started in the 1600's though it was around way before then.

It remains to see that we are civilized people, Christians even

So I'd like to add, that I think government should be responsible for the resources like under socialism... The people literally stole all the stuff people had worked for and made it part of the government. To me that's way too much.

Private capital, gives people an incentive to try harder because if they make good stuff, people will buy it and then they can be even happier

Though it's funny this kid was giving me a lift and points to a mountain like that used to be my mountain but we sold it.

What should be driving people, is innovation. If you can make something better then before, you should profit off of it.

Though lets say you buy a piece of land

and you find gold or oil on it.

Maybe you should get something for your discovery, and a share of the profits since they're working in your backyard.

Though something resignated with me when I heard that Saudi Arabia gives oil money to it's people

The government gets 70% of it's revenues from oil. & I looked it up again to understand the specifics and they made it sound like they gave people $250 because prices were rising.

& gave people who work in government 3 thousand. Either way, it seems different then I initially thought.

Norway seems like the only country that got it right because again, I miss 2000-2015ish where you could google anything,

and get a straight answer, these days information feels kind of spotty, certainly spottier then before.

maybe I ought to go over the search commands again to learn how to narrow down searches

Though most of Norway's oil companies are owned by the state and one day they had a surplus in oil money and decided to invest that money and did a real good job with it

So much so that I heard: a couple years ago every Norwegian person got a pension worth $100,000

They further invested that money in AI and now it's something like $270,000 for every Norwegian citizen.

Though I'm not sure that they can pull it out.

Though ideally, I think the state would own the mines, the oil and should share all the profits with the citizens, not just the "surplus money" what ever that means.

All the revenues should go to the people living in the country and with that money every citizen gets like 40,000 a month to invest into something.

If you and a few friends want to build a factory, the government has everything you need for the low. They make it as easy to go into business for yourself as possible

and thus people take that oil money and further add to the economy by producing something else.

Or buy real estate overseas and make money every month renting their properties, or a restaurant etc.

Money makes more money!

Though to most, it may sound like a stupid idea, I'm tempted to say if you gave the average American man $250,000 and they'll either die or spend it on 2 months of hookers and booze

and the average woman would end up with a closet full of shoes and purses.

I'm just saying ideally government would give you the means to thrive.

Though somehow we've gotten to the point where the government is openly trying to get you to commit suicide and lower the population by driving you to despair.

They do this by making a bunch of stupid programs no one's ever heard of, that someone's going to capitalize on

& pretty much just support people in government positions.

Steal as much as you can,

If you can ruin our economy and start a 1 world government, you get bonus points.

We're in debt, inflation is out of control, rent and groceries is skyrocketing..

Lets give all the black people reparations for slavery!

the court systems have gotten out of line lawsuits & lottery is the only options most people have

& It's just everyone milking the system.

For example: don't think the homeless problem in cities is addressed properly.

I've been talking about this for a while from my own experiences in trying to get an ID when you don't have an ID and working

& that the system is meant to never solve this crisis. & I'm glad someone went ahead and did the groundwork on this topic and

really put it into perspective. It's not the people (sheaple) that work the job. They really think they've probably taken a pay

cut, in hopes of doing some good in the world. It feels like the people at the top, feel entitled to the money.

They probably have some kind of superiority complex and feel the world is for them and all the other scumbags to use for their own

personal gain. The bible said that people have dominion over the animals and these "higher ups" treat the majority of humanity as

simply animals just a means to make money off of. It's been this way since at least 2000 when they supposedly thought all the computers would crash in the year 2000 and made a deal with China to pretty much incorporate fascism into the country.

The homeless industry is just like any other charity, religions do the same thing. I watched a video recently that brought to light

Jahovas witnesses all unanimously believing the world is going to end, if that's the case, why do the owners have a super

phat real estate portfolio? I'm firmly convinced that most of government is run in a similar manner. There are people in positions

to milk the various programs to friends and family, expanding the federal government's power and spreading the money around but never

actually doing anything to solve the problems.

Overlooking it all are the Churches an non profits that get $20+ for every person they feed & house $5 for every meal served.

If we stopped homelessness, we'd be taking their bread and butter. Something like 2,000,000 people are homeless in America

and 2,000,000 people also make their living on homeless advocacy.

It serves more of a purpose to because local residence are in fear & that is good for a government intent on making this a police state

like a third world country. Since the year 2000 virus, the federal government has been looking for ways to destroy the rights and liberties

that people had worked ages in guaranteeing and protecting by the United States constitution. It started with 911 and the patriot act

and during the Trump administration, literally had the common people on their knees. All the while I was stuck in the current, trying

to gain some stability and find a career by getting the exercise I've grown accustomed to. I'd temp, eventually I worked a corporate job for 9 months,

Decided, I'd rather go back to temping until I figure something else out.

& this is my attempt at making everything right. I feel, I should be the one offering someone like myself an alternative.

Create stuff:

Doesn't matter what it is, this is a place to sell your wares. Someone crocheted some orchids

pushing for creativity, in an age where machines are soon going to be able to 70% of the jobs plus

I say let em do it... AI can help push stuff along but I think actual intelligence (human intelligence) with the aid of divinity

and various substances, can create far better works of entertainment then the most advanced computer...

So it's a modern age... The age of information and what's left of the creatives (often labeled autistic instead of artistic or anemic.

The people with a uniqueness that very few cultures seem to appreciate...Are our best hope.

This is an attempt to save who's left.

by creating a pyramid scheme where people who appreciate real art can support the artist.