the whole corona thing was designed to put people in a prison like situation worldwide..

In jail, I noticed there was way more probability of people getting into fights

they're stressed out and restless and it's only a matter of time until someone snaps

not neccessarily that but at least vent their frustration on some undeserving person..

The other person is also in a state of turmoil and only glad to have a place to alleviate their anger.

& I've used logic to set a good example.. Well we're already here, might as well make the best of it.. Play cards and socialize, Read during solitairy times...

There was this girl at work, who said she always comes out of prison with a noticably better vocabulary & I thought that was hillarious..

& I wanted to get her number... Because she seemed like the type who would do anything for her "family"

It's not that I was attracted to her, I mean she looked good for 55.

It's that we as people need teams to compete in this world, as individuals we don't stand a chance.

Though society would imply that I was trying to get with her, if I did... so I am still by my lonesome, appearing kind of standofish to others etc.

I do want people in my life, I just don't know how to deal with the responsibility.. In theory it would be great to have hundreds of p though chances are there will be conflict

with groups as small as 2-4

Based on my readings, the corporations design the members to live, breathe, even vote as one.. The clubs that they belond to, whether it's moose or whatever ensure that there is no individual thought.. It's like the Firm but probably even worse now.

I know my family, traditionally would talk on the phone with one another every once in a while

as a support system somewhat... In the last 2 years...

They have turned their frustrations onto one another and no longer talk.

There's so much negative energy in the world & it's especially disturbing when it comes from people you love.

I wonder how many other families have faced this same kind of pressure. How many marriages have been broken up in the last couple of years

Just from people unable to get away from one another & spend half the day in the office etc.

Religion, though I tend to take it for granted, has the guidelines for healthy families

Sure we are tempted by the pagan rituals of excess but every unit that stands together is a spit in the face to the devil

& it's tougher for everyone.. Bad enough mom and dad are tempted by all the world trying to get them to f it up..

lil Billy comes home from school wondering if he's really a girl in disguise

the masses want to make a crack whore out of him & it's dissapointing

though money talks...

I wanted to open a bank account and was hoping for a little information on the banks in my area

I looked up US Bank and you know thosepopular questions that sometimes pop up with searches?

one was is US Bank owned by China and I clicked it & it said it's 75% owned by banks funded by the Chinese government

That can't be right, & I couldn't find any more information on it other then in 2012 the U.S. allowed Communist Chinese government to invest in American banks.

The supply chain: American car manufacturers could not produce cars because there was a hold up in chip production

fox news claims that, the same country produces 97% of American antibiotics, 80% of ingredients used in America's drugs and supposedly a large chunk of life saving equipment.

Smithfield, the world's largest pork processor was acquired by Hong Kong based group WH in 2013.

The same source said there have been findings that say they have funded American University researchers who apparently don't always disclose that information.

They manufacture our smartphones and the towers that send our signals

Remember all that money that was invested in AMC through robinhood, turns out it's owned by China too

Independant media sites are saying that viacom which owns a big chunk of the media & Turner & Disney who has a large stake in Chinese Disneylad, even CNN are all huge partners with China

I'm talking billions of dollars hundreds of millions of dollars.. Though they're not exactly going to rat themselves out with a news report stating they are owned by dictators in a foreign land.

One source said In 2017 America produced no rare earth metals that allow for batteries, microchips, smart phones & cars

They say the companies have been unchecked reverse mergers for years now and have been making all kinds of ways to hide it.

& I may have hit the tip of the iceburg, undoubtably this is only what is allowed to be disclosed that I happened to find on the internet but everything certainly makes more sense now.

& there is even more reason to question the source of everything we're getting.

In a perfect world there would be no one trying to mutate the seeds to our food and make it unhealthy for us...

At this point, I feel it should be a mission for humanity, to save the unmodified seeds

Supposedly China owns 192,000 acres of U.S. famland in 2019

Attacking our infrustructure.?

Weapons manufacturers have an incentive for wars:

At least if Russia wins, they will have acquired new land.. Though we get nothing except a bunch of money for Halliburton at the cost of the tax payers.

considerably hurting our already fragile economy.

My intent is not to upset people by saying all this,

Some would say it is inevitable..

They have a billion people, a centralized government that allows for them to print as much money as they want.

They can force their people to be programmers and do the jobs that our people don't want to do..

I find whenever a situation seems hopeless, all one can do is to start in the way of taking the proper steps..

Our cause is just, individual liberty, freedom and the free market... Where there is a will, there is a way.

Our foundation, the constitution, took our finest minds over a year to produce and I feel this is going to take the largest team ever assembled to even figure out what exactly is wrong and how do we fix it. The goal: world peace, prosperity and happyness for the world at large. As if we don't owe it to ourselves.