when you've got a record.

& I got the pettiest shit imaginable..

From various hoes on my dick

motherfucker thinks he can just paint some fire ass flames on his lincoln etc.

the worst is when I had a girl who loved me.

When I go to a place that shows love I forget about how many places

work against me.. The worst was probably Golden State when the cavs won..

I was in Berkeley when they won the 1st two

& I had to take it to the streets

of Oakland

Last time I was there

this dude came to work like he hated me

& tested me

and I was kinda intimidated at first

though throughout the shift,

found he was just a kid

still some punk tendencies

though when he was still mad at me

he says Oakland aint shit

In Richmond right now this was Junish

they're having 3 hour shoot outs.

I laughed

it's not funny he said, like he was especting that kind of reaction

People are dying.

& I made the appropriate serious change..

My fault, you're right, it's just the way you said it..

That's pretty ridiculous

I've been to Richmond before but only for a couple days

I wanted to see it because that's where P's from

Then they had the bike shop

Now Tejas has made it legal to open carry firearms

Nothing makes people more uncomfortable then seeing people with masks

eccept people with firearms on them.

They said it's a good idea to have armed guards at school

I think it's a terrible idea considering the psyche of the children

metal detectors it's all alarming.

I remember the 1st time I was sitting there and a guy comes in and puts his gun on the table with a thud.

I looked to my friend in wonder, like what is the meaning of this?

Sure I know people carry guns but the thing is you never let anyone know you do, so everyone is comfortable...

I think I bounced shortly thereafter

It's cus of these fools with masks

um the description, we have a tall black male with brown eyes

so now everyone' even more uncomfortable.

If the government's job is to make people feel like things are going swimmingly... They are doing a damn shitty job at


It's the confidence that things will go on as they used to that people want & need, that they're straight fighting... I

catch lil glimpses of the news so I'm not good at tweeting.. No that's no escuse, though I'm sure

It's covid covid covid numbers and some filler

Imagine 2 years ago if they would daily mention the number of people who caught the cold... Real bad.

Before it was trump trump trump and people are used to obsessing

I'm sure one network obsesses over how bad Biden is and a lot of people watch it religiously

like when the trash is asked why they joined the force. Ugh girl prison porn duh & I can fuck those in custody in 36

states. All at the taxpayers expense.

Just like those who were of age during prohibitions decided it was a bad thing and were going to cure the world of it..

Now it's not so bad... What's bad is using those to get people to do stuff because often people get fargone but

there's nothing wrong with people wanting to get what makes them productive, healthy even.. what if meat was

illegal and people were addicted to it so they had to do all types of stupid shit.. Like steal stuff from stores or

stripping copper wire. & people feel unsafe. & in these uncertain times people are prone to just say fuck it.

People are stealing from others who don't have shit just trying to survive. & they're giving Mejicans 15,000 for coming

over here... Just like prohibition had it's time and it was up to the populous to not accept it.

The war on drugs is ludicrous for everyone who is already addicted

but I do understand not wanting people to fall into the pitfalls so I say we should remove them altogether..

Allow people to function in their way in some places. & people often look to me like I was an addict & it's just weed helping make up for a hard life. that I put myself through because I didn't want the shortcut .. I was in Vegas & everything was going smooth I was on the way to finding my love and one day someone brought everyone large frappucinos. Now I hate starbucks because they move right across from the local established coffee shop and try to run them out of business on some Japan ish. & dude was from there & I just refused & it was kind of a weird moment and it went downhill from there & I move on to the next thing.. No matter what Principle over Everything especially when they're trying to comply.

Regular people are prepared for a civil war

They've dumbed people down to wrestling standards

Oh Trump was a little rough around the edges but he cared about American people.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Well at least prices was low.

The fact to me is there are only 3 kinds of Americans

There's the kind that believe in the system.

Keep all their receipts find all the loopholes, write off meals; pay lawyers and generally weasel their way into wealth? As is expected.

Then there's everyone else. I don't want to look cheap or imply that the cashier did their job wrong. I don't want to waste trees.. Ain't got time for that shit etc.

Say there's a beautiful girl.

She becomes a starlet and they have all kinds of agent fees and bull ish

Everyone is in on how do we take all their money. Including the government, as you know so many celebrities end up forgetting to do something tax wise.. & its not

like they are on TurboTax doing it themselves.

Im sure they pay someone to "handle it" and end up spending a fortune on the IRS.

How many strippers pay their taxes.

They're expected to fail.

The third are the ones are the enforcers

Im not opposed to law enforcement.

Just like any group they consist if the best and worst of them and everything in between. Or so I feel... Then there are the ones enforcing it.

& those that are trying to say I'm bad, or I'm not good.

How could you side with them?

Help them and have me questioning myself..

How am I supposed to forgive that?

When I dedicate all my energy towards the improvement of the human condition. Except when I'm thrown off by myself & I hope you will excuse

The failures and rejoice in the triumph because its for you.

For your life to be better, no matter who you are.

I don't want police or soldiers to ever feel like it's bullshit they are fighting for because they are real people, or at some point are, with minds consciences etc.

Capable of appreciating when a sentence is fair.

A Mr. Miyagi so to speak who figures out the perfect retribution.

Thats not what we have.. Though ignorance of the law is no excuse

As people will tell you..

Thats why I say fuck the drug war

It does more harm than good

Costs us billions, makes for dirty products

as in prohibition and alochol

What good would having prisons filled with drinkers do?

A lot of people believe it sharpens them up and I've seen good cases and bad ones of course but to

All the people who are drinking right meow

Imagine if you had to pretend that you didn't

It's not that I even partake.

It may not be the best thing to do

I just recognize the senslessness

& realize the gravity of that matter so I think we should put it in its place

& ahem stop the spread

The worst thing we could do is have police control what they are "trying to stop"

Think how much energy would be wasted on being sneaky

If alcohol was illegal & how many Americans who wouldn't be allowed to lead productive lives.

That time could be spent on better pursuits.

That's what good government is about

Making it as easy as possible for you to do your thing

Around like minded individuals working for the goal of having us as a country, do way better then the other ones.

At this point there's foreign interests to the core

But I don't think we are in a position of getting them out

Until we come up with a better plan.

Legislation still has a chance at being cool.

Instead of going after the ones trying to keep their heads over water... I say rob trucks not just any.. the judge is like you were caught robbing who???11 Oh an Amazon truck, 6 months...

& you'd think the ones in my way were those that stand to lose if people were generally liberated from oppression.

Though the people who slow me down are not them...

and it hurts the most when I find out it was someone I love making me out to be a bad guy.<> & I sent an email asking about it.. My response was, something like I don't deserve this random hateful email.

But I was asking, You spent all that time making sure that I could trust you, just to do that? How am I supposed to get past that? I mean I need to make sure you know.. My physical well being insists and almost depends on knowing you are happy.

though you' actually stood in the way of your own happiness

So at this point I realy dont know how