Democratic and Republican "races" are more like wrastling.

From an outsider's perspective

I see it, that both parties are funded by big corporations.

playing both sides to create the appearance of competition.

While the fans may interpret it as the two are actually competing.

the difference is in politics one can even contribute money to their cause,

althewhile simulating the feeling of choice.

All day that's racist, he's racist etc.

I believe it's intentional, since 2005 the media has been bringing race to the forefront

For some reason humans are the only creatures we insist focusing on color...

Did you see that squirrel? No was it a brown or black one? Gray...

Yesterday I was riding my brown horse.. (unnecessary) We were walking the dog.. What color dog? Um I think it's a dalmatian & chocolate lab...

See back in the 90s it was very cliche to talk about race and people would focus on things that people do have control over.

I understand sometimes descriptors may be necessary but instead of that Asian guy, maybe say, the funny guy with the thin mustache or something.

I read and reread Hemingway the other day and found the Sun also Rises excellent, I would give it an A+ except it seemed like a little kid, edited it... Haha he said that word!! Awwww , however I like that he implied the masculinity of that whole phenomenon I gave it a A-

Like Goodfellas that got a B but if they cut out that one scene that had nothing to do w the movie would've been an A

Met some guys who asked if I was a yankee lol

I thought that was what the British called Americans..

Turns out he was defensive, he's like you all call us "" I was like um no, I've never heard that before in my life though later he proceeded to be like I'm just a "" from so & so

over and over until later on I found me saying to myself that "" cop etc. self fulfilling prophecy

Now they have pro racist clothing lines like Chic Filet's anti gay fast food.

and all day you hear what it's like being a _____ man or woman in America man just leave it alone

There's a Latino vote and a black vote like diff herds

& there's an expectation of others hating them, before they've met.

so basically I feel, in the last 30 years we have digressed as far as equality goes.

There's quotas a State has to gaurantee before a private prison owner will even start building.

The guy who's listening to my wall, as we talk in code is like "did you hear that? he said he feels good" go get him!

Has level 2 depression so is prescribed xanex and couldn't do entry level work fast enough if his life depended on it is now saying I'm eating too many sweets while he has a full whore buffet "in secret"& has the audacity to call himself an illuminary..

No a bunch of secret shit is what goes on at night everybody sees what's happening in the day, I fully know that Im a freak, everybody does.. Give me a chance and i just might let you down though I hope not.

& I know all i have to say is I love you too to Jesus and all of a sudden it's like I'm sailing and the wind is blowing with me instead of against me.

Though I was taught that the most important rule, although it only applis to humans and doesn't have

much to do w god is the golden one. So when I hear people talking ish

about gays it may not be fun, but I have to step up and p>protect them, just like I would like someone to do if someone starts talking about the old

Went to a bible study, going over the old testament and it sounded like a thirsty ass kid

the jews the jews the jews the jews.. I truly think

its a terrible book, what I've read of it.

I like

the short and sweet jail bible

They were talking about Mordachai and the celebration of Purim

The funest of the hebrew holidays isn't that fun..

Mostly a lot of family values

Jesus who was a Jew, got to think differently

They are quite a stubborn bunch

8 hour explanation:

Do I love black people? Some of my best friends were light black, dark black and Mexican and black but three's a lot of all people I don't like..Just because there are ones w red eyes looking like they've just violated themselves and others that just sound annoying as fuck & won't stop talking... Those could be symptoms of sleepiness.

I always had respect for rappers since a kid, hearing people make more complicated and intelligent lyrics then there rock counterparts at the time despite the latter's benefit of education and privilege.

I mean I didn't like that they often sold drugs to get enough money to put together an album or whatever but I much rather that then use tax funds..

In the last 10 years there has been an estimated 50,000 albums that have came out by SSI gangsters that made their way out the hood w a clipboard.

These are the people whom swisher sweet singles were made for.. Used to get a blunt in a box or at least a pack that was in the shape of one... In expectation that you will eventually need a gar and when you bought them.. People most likely thought that person is probably going to smoke weed in those sometime..

. Though back to those that perform what they call handicap rap.. Who go to the store every time they are going to smoke and everyone knows exactly who is going to smoke reefers prob in the next 15 minutes, who spent the 10 years of backpay on a studio, a car and can't afford gas until the 1st

a lot of us go through rough patches but that's just silly

Nowadays you can get up to 6 ok cigars for 99 cents.

Remids me of my when I went to the store w my friend and got a white grape owl

& he gave me that I knew it tone..

Tif R.I.P. used to get em & they're freaking delicious like the wet mango wraps that started the whole flavored cigar.

Though I had no idea what he was talking about since I never watched that illuminati shi because it sounded so stupid..

It's secret to everyone but those with youtube....

Sounds like they made it for idiots who have no idea what to do w their money, to buy into like scientology

But Christians aren't against a weird sci fi religion

They hate Muslims plural

& I gotta defend em, it's not what I like to do it's what I must.. Though it fels great to be part of the home team.. It's not invincible & maybe one day, 40 or so years from now, when the Chinese start persecuting Christians in general...

Someone will stand up for you like no he's one of the good ones. Luckily that's almost beyond our timeline.