Why our system is not working

masks lead to increase in crime

leads to taking away peoples guns

more crimes, means more pressure for the voters

a republican thinks that a pandemic is good for that reason alone

Even though the Public may believe pandemics are a bad idea...

I don't mean the party..

I mean America is a republic, meaning we elect the supposed, wisest people to represent us rather then a direct vote on policies.

So those are making money off the testing, masks, scam money in the form of corona relief are ready to milk the system in their own interests.. Definitely not those of the people.

The kid who got a 100 million from his parents thinks selling NFTs is good

& it's ok to bribe the news and say they are selling like hotcakes

maybe It's alright to wage a war on your good sense

to make some pictures online and write that they were sold for astronomical wages to lure the artists in.

it's supportive of the artists... Some might even say they admire the initiative of the young man to make a convincing lie

and get the ball rolling..

I'm saying: I've heard of countries have their money turned worthless

so in the back of my mind that is always a worst case scenario

and in that case: If you have 600,000 dollars of NFT's your fucked

Typically economies are based off of precious metals for real currency.

True, there's something to the idea of creating an artificial market

I would prefer it not be based on lies

Not trying to be a downer, I've thought this trough

I've done my responsibility by saying it, so do with it as you will.

Breakdown for investors:

During the scamdemic, people are looking for ways to get a bag & secure it

People are repelled at the idea of working and see others making money in all these new ways

Like crypto... people are trying to get at them first so they can have a lot to invest in the traditional things that excite people like

drugs and whores.

Stocks are worth something because it directly effects: how much money a business has at their disposal.

& in theory if the company does well, then the stock goes up accordingly.

So you invest in the bike that runs on water

you turn it on, the electric kettles get to boiling

and the steam propels this bicycle to 25 miles an hour.

It's clean, economical and they're saying if it sells well

they might be able to get this thing up to 40.

All it's going to take is we're hoping $200,000 dollars.

40mph model pictured.

we need 1 mechanical engineer and one programmer so we give them 20% of the venture

I'm taking 20% for coming up with idea. 20% goes to thapeople for everything

and the remaining 20% goes to the investors who bought the T shirts who let this all happen.

Everything is recorded into the log book. So if you buy a shirt

Don't have to use your real name, you can go by an alias

though you're given a password and that in combination with the issued certificate is worth

whatever part of the 20%

lets say it ends up costing 275,000 to get the first model available for mass production

divide that by 20 = 13,750 shares

they sell for $400 and 1 million is sold.. The first 1000 makes 400,000 to be reinvested in parts and production to make the rest

400,000,000-400,000 for costs divide that by 13,750

and each certificate is worth $29,061 that lightweight like winning the lottery

and that's not to mention, you got a cool t shirt that might end up worth some money to commemorate the first time in history

instead of someone who is already a millionaire making 400 more million.

Regular people's lives are going to be effected for the better for helping make something good work.

It's the first pyramid scheme for the people.

The republic means the richest guy knows what's best for everyone because he made the most money so he must be smart

and what he's going to do: is make decisions that are going to benefit him and his family the most.

So we talk America is a democracy

and this is the shift change... The ideal, being

it's not what's best for me... It's a responsibility to the rest of the people

who are staking their interests for the cause.


Small scale

the best is the one who can put it into layman's terms for the rest of us.

the easiest way to make ebikes is just add a spinner to regular bikes

Any engineer can do the basic thing of putting a battery on a spinny

it's the one who can explain why their idea is better

clearer and more concisely:)

The idea is Okhams razor:

whoever can explain it short and sweet did it the best.

That's the opposite of what we have.

So much legal framework that you can't find what you neeed.

Every State has volumes of rule books

and you need lawyers to deal with any of it.

We don't know how to liberate ourselves from the many entrapment we might've gotten ourselves into.**

In our quest to: we simply provide something real and efficient that everyone can understand.

I knew this guy who started a pizza business..

He tried all the varieties of cheese that were available for him.

Tried making a variety of sauces and went with the one he thought was the best

went to the experts to purchase dough.

In democracy: It's not about what he wants

It's about finding out what the community likes best and agrees on.

This is not a concept we really know about as a people..

the local government could be pushing people to thrive by helping them achieve their ambitions..

Self interests guide capitalism, fascism and socialism ran in totalitarian fashion.. Well here's to getting things started..

The water powered bike is a great idea

but not for a first venture..

So the official contest is how can we get a battery on a bike about the size of a cel phone

and get it to spin one of the wheels when you push the throttle button.

When I was in Seattle for the 1st time.

Someone came to visit and told me

they had already done it..

They had created a $50 addition you could add to any bike

to make it an ebike.

I invited him to a free dinner at the U

and when we went there I was distracted by a girl with bad coke

and somehow I lost him in the meelay after he had made the trip so far to

bring the answer to the problem of how to make money for the cause.

So now many years later, when the pressure is at it's highest.

I propose the T shirts should fund the e bike addition

that will fund the land.

The breakdown goes like this

$200,000 to make a working model and produce 5,000

with the advent of 3d printers, they could build the molds to make each complex part

and until batteries can be manufactured I guess they must be bought.

So $50 x 5,000=$250,000 to be redistributed into the cost of making 1 million

50,000,000-250,000 costs means everybody who pays for a shirt would end up with $3,618.18

I feel it's a win win for everyone. If you ride bike for exercise and don't feel like it that day or decide you want some help on the way back

for $50 is an hours worth of throttle that will propel you to 15 miles an hour.

I think there's no question 1 million people would pay for such a product if it existed.

So it's a win for everyone.. The t shirt makers.. The buyers the economy

that will be $10 million dollars to startup the $400 water powered bike and buy land to house more ventures of the like.

So every name or alias will be posted in a daily log so that any time, you can keep track that your money did go to thapeople and how far along the progress is. Eventually the goal is to liberate women.

I was oddly watching tv and there was some program about a girl who was trafficked. She boldly testified against him and he went free.

Just in case popular opinion said otherwise.

It was boldly programmed into regular people that is what happens..

So if the police, the army and the courts believe the beings are made for their pleasure.

I feel it's up to those, that don't have a purpose...

To liberate all people who are oppressed and enslave those who oppress them.

The government wants us all divided... Together we stand but not if I can't even think of working with another because of their race.

Dr. Reverand Martin Luther King Jr. said it best in one of his books, how all races have their slow, fast, cunning and courteous, smart and dumb... Maybe in some they are disproportionate to others simply because of what a culture values..

So that in natural selection, certain tendencies were more prized..

Though I've met brothers with the same mothers and fathers that were completely different, either by nature, nurture and or both.

So I don't like to generalize. Rather judge people solely on their merits.

Then there are those: That believe simply because of their particular heritage, they have the right to enslave someone

I can't speak for all of them, though I feel a lot of times, you'll find in these: the most horrible examples of man. Three's a reason why Bill Gates is straight hideous..

they must want to see what it feels like, to get a full appreciation of what they do and after a reasonable amount of time..

Liberate them from their bondage and proceed to do so until they learn their lesson. , Though before that, we must save those of us that are left.

A realistic personage..

In Martin Eden, he stood in awe of the refined middle class..

Until he had gained their acceptance somewhat, through learning, he found that they were in reality, dully and for the most part two faced.. While they found his Ideologies annoying.. It was not until he net Brissenden that he found someone even capable of appreciating his merit.

I don't mean to upset people however the contradiction goes: If you spend your life trying to amass riches you are doing the opposite of what Jesus directly insisted one do..

I've never seen a wealthy man, want to quit getting richer.

Those who maintained their wealth were the ones who did not turn on their partnerships. If you are putting god first, that means you put people first..

I don't expect you to love all people..

Though as individuals we owe it to one another to do better then this.. So the next generation does not inherit a world that is heartless. Those that look at the Martin Edens in disgust shouldn't have to tolerate them if they don't want to. Though every person is entitled to pursuit of happiness and why not let them thrive? Some find it worrisome. People without real character might be overlooked.

I don't really know how to say what I'm getting at.. **All started with second life & virtual real estate

I heard on the news that second life had come out and people like Opera recommended it..

So I signed up, it was weak so I never played it. However I didn't read the fine print..

& I feel I was tricked into gaving up something precious.