This Israel, Palestine thing is ongoing.

Although there's never been peace in the middle east

It has been relatively ongoing for the last 20 years maybe?

Arguments tend to be one sided.

Israeli's are pro-Israel

Palestinians, pro-Palestine.

Someone tried to break it down as Republicans are for them & Democrats are this..

It's not so cut and dry as that..

People who hate Jews & those that don't dislike them

It's kind of silly, the breakdown...

In a world of complex issues ranging in the thousands..

It is suggested you: Just pick a side.

Are you blue or red?

In certain areas of the country both are forbidden...

Just wearing one of those colors can put your life in danger.

The Jews, representing: every nation on Earth

and the whites, representing superiority

I've heard of people who've told me that red shoe laces make them sick.

In theory:

One would think it strange that a black person would even wear red

Though it symbolizes preferential treatment.

If you were committing crimes... Wouldn't you want the support of the police?

If I could chose: Getting away with anything vs being at odds with the law..

The choice is obvious. Or was, back in the 80s.. Nowadays people are often born into these things.

Much like one of history's oldest beefs.

Render Caesar what is his.. Or however the saying goes...

In the days of Rome, when every nation they touched was forced to submit and accept Zeus

and then Jesus.. The Jews were a particularly stubborn tribe and managed to be a

separate entity for the most part. *See the page on thapeople about the Masada.

Now in the O.T. & the Quran the Jews and Muslims started out as brothers. I watched an Israeli movie once and it was pretty damn tough

to distinguish one batch from the other.

Likewise in the hood, both have their down sides, though you probably won't be able to tell one from another without their clothing.

Originally there was a requisite that if you were to wear blue, an individual must be able to dance and freestyle.

While, I think the red, had to have a certain amount of white lineage or something of the sorts.

So most of the 90s, 2000s rap comes from the former.

Although in the middle east, both sides have beautiful chanting, architecture.. Many of the same beliefs (except for the Messiah) Beards...The food is pretty much the same (no pork) Both have immense amounts of wealth, both through religion and private enterprises. The Jews wealth is more spread out vs. the Muslims have more tycoons or Majis or whatever..

Don't get it confused, naive people will say that they do it for the beliefs but what it all boils down to: is people join groups to get money.(Mo money mo problems) Not only to make capital but to protect their interests.

& this is the funny part.. It's less then one percent that holds over 90% of the wealth and naturally,

they want internal strife so that people never figure that out.

So long as you are hating your neighbor and having a bone to pick with your brother over scraps..

We'll never address the real issue at hand.

The suffering of people throughout worldwide poverty.

The slums and the hard work and the whores,

was essentially what Jesus was up against

and what he lost his life for,

in the hopes that we would end the suffering of the masses..

Well Christianity has spread throughout the western world but the man's message never really caught on...

I remember during 911 I heard about Muslims who hated America and what it represented..

& I could say with confidence, what the fuck are you talking about? At least in America people can have shit..

Look at most Muslim countries and it's a few wealthy and an overwhelming majority of poor...

Fast forward 20 years later and I'm not so sure.. Rather than improving, the middle class has been disappearing and the U.S. is becoming just like everywhere else...

Slaves, masters and the kiss asses in between.

Chinese internment camps.