I walked into the most beautiful gallery I found possibly the first day in New Orleans

and showed him something i did on a piece of cardboard he said I could come back with someonething on canvas or at least wood

and taking note of the location would've been the start of following through and working towards it dilligently

I didn't have a set intention on succeeding like that

to me, an artist spot for the poor, is like sports for a ghetto youth, it's a way out

without selling out to the man... While while most people either,

spend half of their day thinking about stuff they aren't interested in

toiling or risking the penetentary

this person gets to work on their little doodles and live considerably well.

It's hard to justify

not even understanding what a regular person would go through if they did not

have help from their parents

Some people took out loans for school

In New York I realized the exhaulted position in Times Square where I saw a pretty woman

in the window of her 4 million dollar loft and gallery overlooking everything

and these days the penalties arent as stiff for fast money

there's a lot of Americans that say fuck working everyday for 30 years to save some money to do anything

in some places like New York & LA, they simply don't have the capacity & it's almost anything goes as long as you're not killing people

An alternative?


they're playing both sides like wrestling, you think it's a debate and you have a choice but it's a premanufactured drauma

the mob is attaining their goals

and you can take your pick of A

Trump the guy who brought you

overstimulating your senses with the news

until the point you cannot even understand wtf

is going on and tested if they could pull a scam

over the entire worlds eyes

and Brazil was a puppet trump government who played the bad guy look we don't need no vaccines or lockdowns

regroup and rebrand it to them as covid19

It's kinda the same thing but not as bad as we originally made it

and people just accepted it, they don't want to think about stuff...

That explains it

Wasn't a lie and just completely made up

It's just covid-19 & they kept with it.

& somehow, thanks god, we stopped them

We've been living life just as it was before the pandemic here in Nevada

& no morgues are overflowing

They would've continued the bloodshed

Until I called em out again

I was doing my laundry watching the mf news

& pushing for a new booster, they said that record hospitalizations were occuring

and I had all the evidence I needed to say the vaccine that has no liability

obviously isn't doing any good if 60% of the population have it & more people are sick then ever

Anyone who got the jab after that, is just a dumbass

but it stands to reason, that the people in government are not looking out for our interests

When they behave in this manner

& people don't want to admit they got duped

Some people are still wearing masks, like I don't know what's real...

& you better believe, they are resting and practicing for the next time to actually gain control of the world from fear

& nothing is sacred to these clowns other then money and getting high and fucking children or draining them or whatever the fuck the weirdos get off on

bc they're born into conflict and pain and it's the only thing that gets em off

There's an agenda 2025, talk of famine, MF Klaus, insisting that we have too many people & feels it's his responsibility to get rid of or to enslave them

& he's definately a Jew but I know for a fact a real Jewish person could never enslave anyone

bc we'd go to service on holidays

& doesn't matter what holiday, they'd always ALWAYS ALWAYS THANK GOD, over and over again..you can't eat any bread to remind you of the time our ancestors didn't have time to let the yeast rise but a Jew can't go on a journey without packing a lunch hence you eat something reminiscent of the bullshit crackers that someone baked up real quick before they ran through the tunnel in the sea that was made for them after a string of multiple famines that finally pissed off Pharoah enough to let em go

Yom Kippur especially, starts the day like thank you for freeing us from slavery

and by the end you feel like a mfer who's been marching through the desert and you say thank you for freedom

and then rejoice with a pretty decent spread, gifeltah fish, kougle and if your lucky some sort of fruit punch float

& it's blackrock and the godfather part 3 & all these guys who have invested in agenda 2025

so can we just vote democrat & avoid thie scandal?

well people didn't want anymore trying to lockdown the nation, cause mass hysteria etc.

but what they got with Biden

is immigrants looting our country and the government giving them money to get started

while American people, even verterans got nothing

an almost similarly agressive attack on Christian values

an insistance that men with surgeries be recognized as actual women

including competition in sports

just woke up one day and this is the reality we were faced with

and the school board's agenda is to make children question their sexuality

and introduce legislation insisting children should be able to decide their gender

after trump tried to lock us in our homes bc of the common cold

it was another attack of our reality

They've interests in torturing the poor people of Ukraine & Russia

and Palestine and are in on playing both sides that are in turn destroying our country systematically

& calculatedly, giving the illusion to most Americans that Trump is the only way to save us from it

Like how is he not in prison?

Not for bringing home a file, or using government money to hush a witness

For mass murder, paying people to put people on respirators

“Wait until everyone finds out that hospitals nationwide murdered people simply to collect COVID subsidies at $48,000 per death,” the screenshot reads in part.

“That should give people a bit of clarification on how our medical system works if they didn’t know already,” wrote one Instagram user in a lengthy post that included the screengrab.

“These patients are often very costly and time and labor-intensive for hospitals to treat,” he explained in an email Wednesday. “In addition, it is important to highlight that Medicare and Medicaid both reimburse hospitals far less than the cost of actually providing care.”

That's the dumb shit, that the insurance companies have made the average hospital visit $25,000

and people make like $18 an hour, so they're looked upon as a burden, oh the state has to pay the cost of caring for this person

So they make all this ish up to profit off it & they split the bullshit organization, the virus tracking, I think he spent like 1.8 trillion dollars in a few months on this "emergency" it's ok if they die, we don't have enough resources...

& it's a crock of shit but I'll get to that part

those were two exerpts from an article I found that addressed the very sketchy practice.


and in combination with this little gem of knowledge

& a personal hero of mine, noticed, where he happened to live, there were no longer any instances of the flu at all

and it's a trillion dollar media machine, that thinks of most of these kinds of things so as to not let what's happening, be figured out, at the time especially... However I feel in retrospect, there should be no way we should let either one of these scumbags be president, in all honesty, they should be happy that we let them live, the way they hurt so many people, just to lie and make money but they're just representing the Jews in Saudia Arabia & China & all together I hear it's maybe 20 families and the guys in the WEF WHO & UN

and this year they're telling us: You have to accept either one or the other but things will go in the same manner!

Feel like there's nothing you can do? Give your hard earned money to prevent the bad guy from winning again

& just like charities and California's attempt at solving homelessness is just a bunch of people

stealing the money for themselves or at best providing college students a State jobs that "deal" with the problem.