Work the system.. Someone can pay back that money but it won't be me.. ahahaha

Now there's ppp loans that are advertised as forgivable. So why would anyone pay back that money?

It's more advantageous to be a bad businessman, lose money and write it off.

Since at least 2000 there's been loopholes that people have used in just such a manner..

Especially the military industrial complex. In the past I linked an article, I think it was LA Times or a comparably significant publication somewhere around 87 that found that someone with military contracts

were found to have spent $1,000 on a stapler or something of the likes. Now factor that into a 20 year war in Afghanistan..

The result being an opiod crisis if you haven't figured that out yet..

Now we pulled out, they don't even need poppy, they just make fentanal in a lab in China or Mexico or whatever

All that money has gone into the pharmacuetical industry and every other big business, the airports, the banks

Trump went bankrupt, you think after failing at business and costing the country money he'd be ashamed to file bankruptcy again

but he ran his businesses into the ground time after time on paper, probably, stealing what he could for a total of 5, count them: five bankruptcies..

You think he wouldn't do that to a country?

The corona relief was like hush money, with the "pandemic" going on it was a free for all.

You know people were scamming the fuck out of everything because everyone was too busy too look at it all.

Even my mom milked unemployment for 6 months and they have money...

can you prove that she wasn't looking for a job..

They're giving away free money, you've gotta be crazy not to take it

Says the crackhead on SSI in Detroit to me.

Six months looking for a job

6k + we all got the stimulus money

but there were people who were signing up homeless people for unemployment

& that's just the easy shit...

They had people with clipboards and contracts to chase it... A person was found to have entered your store with corona... You must now pay a $1,000 cleaning fee and some Mexicans with hazmat suits will spray windex all over.

under normal circumstances that would be considered fraud..

Though it was sponsored by the gov so they'll fully get away with it.. Fuck that

It became known, as long as you cover your bases and you have money, you can get away with all types of stuff.

I went on the government website researching the ppp loans...

Now these knuckleheads are saying you can get a federal contract not

because you're a good business person.

If you've been in business since the pandemic started and your company is at least 51% owned by people who aren't typically

the ones who get government contracts, come talk to us we may be able to give you money. & it's written like it was written by

greedy teenagers who are getting money every time someone signs up for this bullshit that's going to cost us as a country money

& they are surely going to be as inefficient as possible, as is the current goal..

So long as you want to continue to keep getting funding..

Fuck that shit, they all need to go.. Historically the wealthy were served by a class of individuals who needed to serve to live and

this was enforced by the "po lice" like lice to poor people.

Made a living taking what little they could from people who don't have shit..

They make laws like you can't drink alcohol, meanwhile the police, the government, everyone is drinking and they just bust people every now and then

because they need some money.

Adam Smith even noted it hundreds of years ago

that just a few people working together achieve this and enjoy the world..

Though I think, what was neat about America especially, was every once in a while some people could climb out of it

Rocafeller and Carnegie.. Were both successful businessmen who in a sense, ran the country and came up from poverty.

Though in the book it says these same kinds of people used their wealth and the power of law enforcement to make sure people were never able to band together

and get better wages. They were well aware of it, though still there was nothing they could do...

The world had always been controlled by very few, every now and then, it changes hands... Literally it's only happened with bloody revolution..

More often then not, it only led to things becoming worse for the majority of the people.

People have accepted an elite that "managed things"

but these guys are fucking idiots,

the people in charge are telling us a man can get pregnant and that children should be able to decide to swap out their Gentelia..

that some children are just attracted to adults and that's ok.

are by no means elite.

Ask almost any reasonable person... Who is elite and they'll say themselves...

Everyone thinks they are the smartest in their way... Surely they can't be going about life, like I surely make

all the dumbass moves & just continue to do that...

Though we've set precedent, that the ones who listen to their parents are the ones who succeed.

The sell outs, are the only ones fit to lead.. Biden's son & Tom Hanks' son, these are the ones we should look up to.....

Though they are trash.

Mentally the equivalent to human garbage..

I want to strangle them but I have to accept they are my overlords..

So I proclaim... The most powerful thing on Earth is precedents...

If the beautiful, precious, healthy woman goes with the scumbag that stole the well being of the nation...

Other people are going to use their position to also be scum and so on...

& it's so hot, the good deserving girl, goes with the greaseball drug dealer because she's addicted...

Well that worked so the even bigger piece of trash gets the child hooked on drugs because that's even more money...

Then he finds out, he doesn't even need drugs, he'll just threaten to kill the kids if they don't turn tricks etc.

& what once was a hard working American man, who was wise with money and industrious, who thought of a product or did something really well could get ahead..

Who was creative or smart, even economical...

Though the modern day equivalent is: I know someone in government that we can use to scam...

Then use that money to pimp children to Hollywood etc...

The intention being to run it into the ground and start the new world order... There's books about that too.. Doesn't mean anyone's stopping it.

and the country is going to shit.. I'm surprised with all the bullsht and money being funneled into Ukraine and all the above mentioned that you can still get a pizza for or a combo for 7 bucks. I wanna kiss them, thank you for not busting me over the head too hard..

Only the corporations can look out like that.. Costs are way too high for any normal business.

until we start working together...

All that scamming and the country is still going strong...

Imagine if we cut out all the middle men..

The stupid programs that you have to know about to get

It's meant to be a good cause, share the wealth.. Though they just end up costing us more and getting abused..

I say, cut it out... All the bullshit and take the enormous wealth of this nation, that's being funneled everywhere else... & put it to use...

Economically and industriously...

The first time will be the hardest.. Though I'm certain if we can utilize just .000008 of the genius minds in our country..

We can figure out a better way and implement experimental trial runs

To farm, to make industry, to compete...

Because they feel they have the market cornered..

& it's just going to go the way they said...

The difference is going to be if people accept the ones who are actually wise

good natured, kind, sensible etc.

& I'm scared to say, that women set the precedent in this and all cases..

some will argue, a woman is going to chase the bag regardless..

& we know the bag is in the hands of the ones who got billion dollar contracts

in Afghanistan to guard the Opium.. I mean, stop the terrorists...

the same ones killing off the best and brightest with fentanyl and such because the kids didn't know better.

& they're trying to get rid of good genetics.. They only want people who obey well.

Who are selfish and willing to give up their family for instance.. For all the stuff they never had...

& it turns out even eating all that good food and all that doesn't even make you happy

& you're "depressed" on a bunch of pills and they certainly won't make you happy.

It's funny, you look at someone on meth & you think he's gonna steal a catalytic converter

that it's not the same person... That he or she is a product of the drugs or what they have to do to get them...

Yet someone on adderoll, should we not look at them like a different person??

They're both on anfetamine salts...

Someone on heroine or fentanal yuck

another person on vicodin or percasette

oh they're just in pain..

& I feel even worse then both of those are benzos.

People may forever be stuck without them..

I could feel it with the adderoll.. I would've never tried them under normal circumstances, I would've read up on them, found out they were synthetic

though I trusted and respected the guy I got them off of. After 3 months or so they weren't doing their thing... I needed them just to be normal.

I look at it like the short cut, showed me what I was capable of but it probably fucked up my brain chemistry...

So I just substituted exercise...

Some say I'm in the wrong, for wanting weed...

It's stereotyped by the hippies, bob marley, blacks and kinda latinos.. Ok, chief.

I'm glad it's way less illegal now but I don't think it should be used by everyone..

It's kinda for the Shaman, the medicine man of the bunch...

The saying is too many chiefs not enough indians, then again without

being racist you can say too many chefs in the kitchen might spoil the soup.

v do I recommend what works for me?

I say to that it's not even weed anymore

If someone would've told highschool me, that I'd be smoking these dry little turd buds, on the West Coast, in the mf future...

I'd be pissed but then again I'm still trying to be thankful for every morsel like back in the day...

How every morsel would be a game changer. The old man in Oakland told me just keep some rolling papers and you'll be ok.

That shit really stuck.

Some people might argue that if I hadn't started smoking I'd never have chosen this path...

All I know is, it got me through a lot of things that I wouldn't have thought I could've,

physically, pushing myself endurance wise... I feel it's equivocal to coffee in it's own way

and some quality herb, I think can surpass coffee considerably as far as ammount of energy goes.

It's magic though & like I said not intended for everyone.. 1 bite size

mushroom can provide the energy of 7,000 carrots calorically

I'm really worried about making them mainstream...

For a long time people kept them hidden & only the cool people knew about them..

& naturally people want to make a business out of anything they can sell..

thing I know is sacred it's scienesence..

Just one of many things that should never be sold...

Maybe through it, we can learn a higher essence, other then capitalism...

though please god... Don't let anyone try socialism in it's current form again...

Gov run backwards bull shit

what we have is corporatism or something differet because we surely aren't promoting

a middle class.

When JFK's brother would go to the Orient and talk to assemblies of students and such that's the evidence

He'd present to them: that America and capitalism is leading the world the right way. Look at how comfortable our working class families are.... See the quality of living we have.

I'm not saying I can do it...

Though I can seperate the real from the bullshit..

& would like to put qualified people in control of the ship.

So the point of this little schpeel... Is a law, I'm working on..

I don't know what to call it per se...

Though the idea behind it is...

In physics: That which is in motion, stays in motion..

with the same momentum, so long as gravity

and other outward forces don't effect it..

Comparatively speaking, this same principle applies spiritually...

Existentially, if you will...

That means simply, it is up to you to decide how you want to be perceived by others by starting with ones self.

For example. if you watch porn..

Your body will provide the responses...

To continue to watch porn...

you will put yourself in a position to continue to do so

& they are expecting that & in hopes of confusing the situation further..

Try to tell you..

i.e. you won't be able to get laid unless you pay for it.

& supposedly make condition to want to act out these scenes..

Otherwise your body will provide the circumstances, to continue the trend it is accustomed to..

You will continue watching.. It's imagination without any investment into the person..

Though you are investing in the means that got them to do the porn

& it's one that's tried and true

In some cases we're thankful for the great footage that we can all experience someone we wouldn't normally even be in the position to fantasize about.

On the other hand, it's a sad business,

Ignorance is bliss..

Well the chickens are tortured but I can't afford any better, I'm stronger with meat.. I'll just not think about it...

Again I touched on the importance of precedent in such matters.

Every decision is of significant importance when it comes to societal norms

Though the average person doesn't feel significant enough to contribute

i feel we are all pieces of the puzzle, as humans who have survived hundreds of generation

we are like nutritious fruit from the tree of the Earth in our way...

We hold the potential of making life amazing for everyone or we can

just continue the agony..

Some people make it very beautiful anyway but I don't feel most are thriving examples of how they could've been.

Imagine if all that scam money was spent on the education and making life awesome for the next generation..

Why did they feel, they deserved it at a loss for us all?

Can we allow for any of them to go unprosecuted?

To me it's not the drug dealers who who watched others on tv and the radio

who risked their lives for quick money... Who should be in prison..

It should be those that all they did was sell out their country....

Well where do you draw the line... Pay back the 6k plus?

It's a crossroads.. If you allow it to go on, it's going to continue

but then again, you're talking about a lot of people that are presently in office..

Our country isn't gonna be shit if we continue in this manner.

Again, I'm not saying I can fix it but .00008 of the population could.

The best and the brightest...

So let us not risk anything until we are ready to risk it together...

Though I'm certain we can figure it out.