As of yesterday I am helping the supply chain

allowing you to be able to buy tires for your cars

and I feel better about myself for participating

yet I dream of bigger and better things

I think it would help considerably,

to try to sway proponents, if I achieved something like a fundraiser concert..

Where the proceeds, actually helped the people in need..

OK this is something different, in a world of fakers that just try to benefit from every cause...

Our predicament: Now I was always told to speak for myself..

I don't have the right to claim somewhere..

Though I was born in America..

The only life I know is American..

& like many of my fellow countrymen I feel

"America is going to hell in a handbasket"

I'd like to ass rapidly...

Because people have been saying that since the 90s.

a relatively peaceful and progressive time in our history..

The economy is down, inflation is up.. Food, rent, virtually all costs are going up..

The politicians lie to our face, saying we're doing good..

Men with artificial vaginas are trying to be called women

and they want women to be called birth givers or some stupid shit..

Biden just gave a medal to someone who knelt during the star spangled banner.

They're running a muck, basically..

They're going against everything that we're supposed to be doing as sensible people

and people stand behind him, we are divided because they hate what Trump stands for...

Though I feel we as Americans are tired of not being able to do anything about it..

As far as president: You have to vote for the lesser of the evils.

That should never be the case.. Out of everyone, the president should be the most competent person..

Of understanding the needs of the American people and being able to provide that, through diplomacy, through policy etc.

At this point, it's no secret, most everyone knows about the "great reset" and one world order..

Every country in NATO is basically a puppet regime, serving the interests of the elite..

In our country, there have been numerous cases of cattle dying in the thousands from "overheat" dozens of food manufacturers have "caught on fire" and Nicole Kidman just did a show of why we should be eating bugs..

Its obvious, we have been infiltrated be it Japan, Germany, Russia, China or a combination of foreign nations..

They used a would be "pandemic" do literally waste trillions of tax payer dollars that went to the hands of the elite..

Strengthening their grip on us.

So we don't know, what countries but we do know they control the majority of the government because it has gone on, apparently undetected...

Every time we call them out on their bullshit.. Dude 70% of the population had the vaccine..

and on the news you said more people are seriously ill then ever...

Because the cause they got greedy

Pfizer wanted a new round of vaccinations for the omnicron variant. & finally we saw the truth...It's lies, you're full of shit. The vaccination can't be worth a damn if what you claim is true.

Things went back to normal for a few months, while they regrouped.. Now they're back at it. Pushing your children to get a vaccine..


They want you terrified, of the virus, of mass shootings... I can estimate 9 out of 10 people hate our government.

They're hoping to push monkey pox and most people are still brainwashed by tv and news, if they said it it's true..

Pretty much everyone in government are probably, sickly corrupt individuals, who don't give a damn about you, all they care about is their own interests but of course they have to play the game. & that even smart people can be fooled by Trump, makes me question, the intelligence of many.

They want someone who cares but I assure you, that it's not going to come about in a nice, convenient, pre packaged version from the government for the people..

The answer isn't Bernie Sanders...

He might be better then Biden but that's not saying much...

Basically what I'm saying is, I feel, we've been infiltrated as a country. Russia starts a war and google says we've spent 2 billion on helping Ukraine..

2 billion dollars!! That could feed 400,000,000 people one meal..

Though I look farther and the New York Times, a reputable publication, is saying we've spent 56 billion dollars on aid to Ukraine..

Who knows what the truth of the matter is, when the media is meant to hide it.

56b is 1/5th of our entire education budget for the country...

& who the fuck is Ukraine to me? When Somalia was attacked, we didn't go and impoverish our own people to stop them..

Though conveniently it's our old enemy Russia.. & it was so easy to rally everyone into being ok with it..

& they used it as an excuse to double gas prices and further put the squeeze on Americans...

It's horse shit.. & it's up to us to clean house.

We don't know who's doing it.. Though it's gone on under your watch.. So we need all new officials..

Lobbyists, that shit isn't working either... We can retrench, hire all new people this next election,

to cut as much wasteful, entitled spending as we can.. Though who's going to do it?

I had a teacher at Thomas Worthington High School...

Who was dedicated to his craft...

He would sleep 4 hours a day and would spend his waking hours, either learning history, teaching it or taking as much time grading our tests and papers

As we did writing them... He was diligent about his craft. I can't speak for what drove him to be so excellent.. The only thing, I can think of is he said, every day he had to have his oreos and milk.

To em what counts is the merit and I think, who better to lead the country, then someone who knows history like the back of his hand..

They say those who fail to learn from it are doomed to repeat it.

Though I don't mean to push him in particular..

I'm saying..

If Trump can be a politician, or Ronald Reagan for that matter, anyone with a sincere heart and goodwill can probably do it better.

So what I'm suggesting is that, people look deep into their communities for real leaders, maybe people who don't even want to serve their country..

and we should push them to run for election..

Not based on campaign contributions because we all know where they come from..

Yet actual merit.

I doubt they could do much worse than our current administration..

With hope, maybe we can stop this hatred, that supposedly cause shooters..

Maybe we could use the army to stop human trafficking and saving the many victims, rather then propagating it...

The men: are like damn Ben, What could be better than a super hot chick, letting me fuck her face for a nominal fee? I don't have to buy her dinner, or pretend I like her.. Are you trying to set us back or what?

The women: are like: damn Ben, what could be better then getting to suck and fuck people, pay my bills, get my nails and hair done and travel the world... Are you trying to set us back or what?

There's an inherent reason behind this, that some people, myself included, do not partake... It's more then just a fear of breaking the law or going to prison...

Although I must admit, I too see the appeal in such behavior.. Though I insist, it is only a shortcut to an alternative to marriage... That would be even hotter and would address all the shortcomings to such behaviors.. Namely, the people who aren't deserving of these kind of behaviors are the ones being served by, the lowest of the lows are the ones, who have the balls to get into openly degrading women for money... So what do you do? I make pornography and then strong arm the actresses out of a fair part of the deal...

Anyway I'm working on that part, a better offering that would make it appealing to stop human trafficking...

Instead of education cuts and people insisting on homeschooling their children. We can triple the budget of k-12 schools..

I don't find there is anything more important, certainly not a bunch of opportunists, trying to take whatever they can for themselves.

A country run by medical companies, sure we'll pay for the vaccines and tests and everything..

We'll just take it out of our limitless supply of budget.

Anyway, I'm going to do my part. To make this website, a presentable platform for artists and such to invest in and try to spread the word. Thank you