Last year T mobile merged with Sprint

Now there's Verizon T Mobile & AT&T & that's it..

I cringe whenever I think of potential for monopoly

because competition makes everything better for all of us

Under normal circumstances everything is improving...

In LA I think I got my job because of my shoes, hair cut and my phone...

when my screen was cracked, I could tell people were worried I wasn't

portraying a professional image. So I went to the t mobile store

and they had a free phone if I paid for 2 months.. It wasn't a super sweet one

however I was stunned that I walked in and had a working phone 5 minutes later..

For some reason, I was expecting the process to take 30 minutes to an hour.

When humanity is in it's normal state everything is constantly improving, and someone is figuring out

how to do things more efficiently...

Whether it's to save money, time, energy, space etc..

The human race ought to be constantly working towards perfection...

If they are not moving backwards..

Well why did it take 30 minutes plus to hook up a phone?

What can we do to make it faster?

We have to program the phone.. What if we pre programed the phone... Ok lets have all that ready before the customer comes in

so we can just add the name and account #, phone number and then out the door.

There's a certain pride in efficiency... People love to be good at their jobs and to do them if conditions are right.

In the hood, for example you go to a store and are expected to have your money ready.. Either before you go in or while you are in line.

You place your purchase on the counter, give the money and it is a smooth quick transaction for everyone..

I had a manager that would make customers feel bad if they slowed down the lunch line

because people went there specifically to get a quick lunch..

In the suburbs it might be ok that the lady realizes she's going to have to pay for her transaction only after she is given the total..

She goes and starts searching for her money, making everyone in line wait for 4 minutes and that's ok because the customer is always right.

However when a company is incompetent people usually don't stand for it and will go to another store

but when there is only one store, it can be as slow, or unprofessional as it wants (Wal Mart Syndrome)

If you've ever seen ants or bees working, it's an amazing feat to behold..

Everyone knows their part and work towards the completion of the task, no one has to give orders, no one's trying to slack off...

Well, brace yourself, because people are smarter than insects..

Yep, in theory the ants should be dazzled by our efficiency

not only do we have brains but we can use tools..

We should have developed ant suits that use something like gyroscopes, pullys and levers to make us be able to lift 20 times our own weight..

God gave birds wings but you are telling me out of all the materials in the world and all our advanced technology that figure out drag resistance and weight ratios for cars and jets..

We can't figure out some combination for a set of wings that I could by at Wal Mart for a hundred and fifty bucks or so..

credit goes to da Vinci

I think the problem is that they're so set on tracking where everyone is going etc. that there would be nothing stopping someone from robbing a store and then putting on their wings and flapping away

Someone might argue jet pack would eliminate any need for cardio but ideally people would have work that fulfilled their needs and gave them enough that the rarely would anyone's mind even consider resorting to crime, out of respect for their fellow human beings essentially.

Though we can't have any of that stuff because the important part of government seems to be controlling people and holding them down..

Take New York for instance there are 15 million plus people,

not all of them college graduates, well how do you expect them to pay $1800 a month for a studio apartment?

Even with a $15 minimum wage.. So the government steps in and pays half of it,

so long as they can violate your privacy, come in randomly twice a month and make you check in with them once a week.

This isn't just New York... Mfer in Idaho is shocked at $1200 a month rent as of lately..

Well I guess I'll go to the government for assistance...

Got stimulus checks on the brain...

The federal government had sent stimulus payments to about 1.1 million dead people totaling nearly $1.4 billion. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) told people to give the money back. -AARP

Land of the brave, home of the free, turned into a bunch of pussy whipped socialists.

Socialism isn't bad like religion isn't bad..

Just look at Jesus, he was against the money lenders and for the criminals,

I mean he hung out with Mary Magdalene and them because he believed it was societies fault that they could either choose to be slaves or thieves and prostitutes.

At least that was my interpretation..

So when people started embracing the message of Christ and wanting & calling for something different,

what do they do? Make a society where people had to choose between being slaves or thieves and prostitutes in Jesus' name.

That's why I feel it's become obsolete or contradictory because our society is built around the wealthy,

so that they can continue to amass fortunes and we live in society based on Christian values

supposedly though what does the son of god himself say?

He said a wealthy man has the same chance of getting into heaven as you getting a camel to want to pierce it's own eye...

He says one should give up their wealth and follow his example of trying to make things right in society...

I mean it's a stretch but don't feel bad Christians because the Mormons did the same thing..

They saw that people were saying one thing and doing another so they broke off on a pilgrimage,

bless their hearts, because they were hoping to do good and just established an even more ridiculous dynamic where

some are even more ridiculously rich and insist the masses either serve them or be criminals.. and Still have to serve them in prison or whatever..

Look at socialism. Karl Marx and Engels thought it out, put forth a document saying don't just complain about it,

this is the problem and the logical next step is to make a different government where the people \obtain the means of production and spit the profits among themselves

making life better for all of humanity

rather then just the few rich people who have enough money to build factories and warehouses etc.

They said these rich needed people to do the work, so they manage to pay them just enough to get by

Insisting they should be happy to have a job.

While under socialism the government would have control of the industry and

distribute the profits equally among the workers that produced the goods.

There's a chance this would've worked great except like religion people used socialism to just push their own agendas at getting rich

and it became if you are part of the government the people are meant to serve you

and the abuses got worse rather then better because with this new power, officials could look into anything

and everything one is doing and imprison them without trial or anything..

The one good thing that a lot of people don't know about communist Russia was that every man, woman and child got a month long vacation..

They wouldn't leave the U.S.S.R. but could go to the Crimea or the black sea or Sochi or whatever for a 30 day paid holiday.

So I picture an ideal government being very minimalistic. They have a super efficient road crew that builds new roads and maintains the old ones...

They have a computerized system responsible for assessing taxes and a court and prison system to enforce every individual and business pay their portion of taxes for the maintenance of the roads.

They plan for new projects that ensure people are always staying busy.

Aside from that, all the government buildings are essentially obsolete since everything is done by computer now

so it's just a burden on the economy.. All these programs, cost the people more then what good they do,

unemployment just propagates companies having to pay third parties who make a profit off the employees that

do the work so they don't have to pay unemployment.. To me, the whole thing is just a big mess..

So I'm probably missing a lot of things but until we figure them out.. For now lets just say our trillions of dollars a year government was only responsible for paving the roads..

Since they can't even do that right...

Hire half a million road workers and implement a standard that they compete against one another.

Whoever can fix the most roads weekly, the top 20% get respective bonuses and the bottom 5% get canned.

Then spend a trillion dollars on schools that teach children a variety of subjects

some continue to higher education others find a trade that they are good at or enjoy

and the government is solely responsible to get the most output from every individual.

To constantly have projects to make and, things to build and various improvements that keep the entire population busy.

So we can compete with other countries..

This is what it looks like when companies are not milking the clock.

What do you need to be successful? Give you access to whatever that may be

Then place you into teams of people who work more efficiently then ants at what they do

and put forth an amazing amount of energy to produce whatever they are good at.

I think most people need that in their lives, a purpose that they can put forth close to 100% or their energy and then go home and rest.

It leads to a fulfilling life and just imagine the satisfaction involved

if lets say the company made 40 million that year, subtracted the overhead costs and taxes and then divided the 25 million in profits between the 400 employees that work there.

Now the engineers should probably make more then the grunt laborer who works the machines..

However I've been hoping to implement a system where most people have some sort of higher education and the menial labor is divided amongst everyone,

so instead of having a full time janitor, all the workers just have to clean for 20 minutes a day.

Then you don't feel bad about machines taking someone's jobs...

Let the machines do as much as the work as possible.. And anything that's left over gets split amongst the rest of the workers..

Instead of a highly efficient governing system.. I feel what we have is somewhat the opposite,

a system that's made to be as inefficient as possible in some ways.. For example: Where government officials are told to order way too many supplies and throw them away so they can get the same budget money next year.

Spend way more on fuel for the profit of gas companies and then write it off.

Pay Dr.s to label people incompetent. So that they can not participate in society and tax payers have to support them.

I mean I love the American people, and I don't blame them for looking to the left, looking to the right and

deciding between the options that they have but the system is fucked up and it feels like they are trying to make Trump the savior of this.

So in the last year we have went from an expectation of people to be extremely efficient (T-Mobile)

To expecting complete incompetence...

Go to the DMV which was never very good in that department in the 1st place..

I need an ID ...

Ok Sir lets take your picture.. Ok now it will be 6 to 8 weeks for us to print that picture on a card with your name on it.. But you used to be able to do it in 5 minutes...

Then in the manner of Trump, you hear a variety of words that are indiscernible, do not form complete sentences.. However somewhere in the mix, you hear covid and just leave it at that...

The pandemic has basically made it ok for us to not move forward and incompetence is the new standard.

Before, people were not allowed to wear a face covering in a store.. Now people are required to so there's a free for all in crime as people are no longer afraid of cameras...

All because people are getting really sick...

Aww does your tummy hurt? and you are coughing a lot... Lost your sense of smell huh...

Well here, let me ruin our whole country and economy, so long as Google / Amazon profits off it and china gets to track all of us...

What, you thought it was our government doing all the tracking? I mean your right but where do you think those micro chips and shit came from?

you think the satellites weren't made in china?

That's why when I talk about becoming self sufficient and not relying on the corporations for anything

I'm talking about a ground up approach..

Technology is great but not at the cost of freedom and privacy

Eventually we can have cel phones and computers, when we can produce them ourselves..

I want to make our own clothing brands

But not just a t shirt made in china with a logo we designed sewed on..

I want the shirt to be made in America..

Not by a machine that was built in china but one that was engineered and manufactured in America.

With technology and all these distractions you probably don't even realize where that mirror that you look at every day came from or

the chair that you sit in or the can opener that you use..

My head is somewhere in the internet most of the time anyway but I sincerely believe that it feels good to just be in real life for a while..

Getting rid of the idea that I'm not safe walking around without a phone tracking my every move...

Not having a phone for a couple days, I found myself going for it every 5 or 10 minutes when I had a free moment.

It's great to be able to do something productive, rather then just sitting there though it's also nice to be in the moment.. In reality

after you get used to it.

So I'd like to focus on that from the start and if people are to create another example of how society should go..

We are going to need a lot of engineers, scientists, programmers, freethinkers, as well as grunt guys and laborers.