So Kentucky may look like people who lack in title...

Though it would be a farse, to say that this great state is lacking in

their share of prejudice, it may still be the best, in that regard.

Best, meaning progressive

I think it's ridiculous,

That the people who risked protesting to voice their discontent.

Ended up turned into bad guys

That's all they did was talk about what they liked, no alternative or solution was made.

In Virginia I saw an add for candidates who were considered liberal

& there was an angry mob behind them

& somehow anarchistic tendencies were stapled upon me without my knowledge.

It's a fact that people aren't happy with the status quo

Otherwise they would've never picked our president

His appeal was that he WASN'T a politician

Put those with all those two together and you have an unquestionable majority.

Though currently, there is a sharp division between people who start fuming as soon as the president is mentioned. (20 times a day on average?)

and those who have arguments ready to defend him.

It's an unhealthy obsession.. I'm just saying. Likewise I get a lot of love & I feel I am a burden to those that love and care about me and that is unfair on my part.

To all those who love their country and dare to say something about exporting it to foreign interests.

Starting with bailing out banks etc.

I'm sure some pretty thorough lists have been compiled. It's not that I want to amend the Constitution..

. I am insisting you abide by it.