the trouble w

the way i feel

is its being dictated to me

news doesnt sit right

i hear people saying stuff and im like where did he come up w that thought?

If i catch the news, the source often reveals itself..

totalitarianism corrupts

fighting it since way before the middle ages

its not that the people are particularly bad, the same thing would probably happen to anyone in the same position. i wonder if i can get all the people to do this? Carneigeism, & they build libraries and stuff but what if we are to align w higher principles.. Its like we gave people freedom and that didnt work so we'll impose Christianity on em.

It's messed up and it leaves a sour taste and in that way, if they mess up my view of the faith, i let them. My frustration shouldnt hamper my own beliefs, or they've won

id like to say

if theres no check

people would do good simply for the benefit of our community

so that you dont doubt the next man

one could blame many of societies ills on those in power who allow poverty and crime to go on in support of a police state. I believe if people have equal and abundant opportunity they will rarely resort to crime.

is he a communist or utopianist?

nothing new could work so lets go back to what we know. There comes a point for innovation and i find nothing speaks louder than a good example.

After the winter comes Spring

See under normal circumstances people might not want all of life to be recorded. Even start complaining..Well i have a gauranteed constitutional right to privacy...

Though when they are in fear for their stuff, here officer i put 5 cameras outside of my house feel free to use them for your own surveillance.

Accordingly Who is the UN but kermit and them? Where's the checks and balances? Let the two peoples massacre each other, well give u the arms, you give them the guns, we'll treat you to a bunch of money, just use race or religion to set it off... Find me a country where someone won't take that deal. Its not about improving humanity or moving forward. A lot of the world might feel this way, that we deserve better and look to the U.S.A. to say it. 2018, there should be no place on Earth without running water except campgrounds or whatever. On the contrary, i wonder if a lot of effort is spent on keeping people back. Normal people cant afford to go to the Dr. Living wages aren't very much to live on and we'll take an extra 75 dollars a week or we fine you..

Meanwhile apple and the biggest business' find ways to get around paying taxes. A 3 trillion dollar budget. Im all about free enterprise, money motivation etc. No socialist, but i mean if you cant even provide clean water and healthcare and decent roads.. Something has clogged u the pipeline. People w the contracts, i dont blame you for being taught to milk the system. im not even saying you should alter your ways.. If people are flocking on to new things, they'll eventually change policies. see the reformation

Plus about half of America is not concerned about 75 a week... If everyone had the same access to education fine, there's no one to blame. Yet our president has been borrowing money from the Chinese gov. that has like unlimited money since everything is run by the gov. Meanwhile our economy has turned into gambeling and whores. A country's wealth is determined by its gnp what they make... Some software, drugs and a whole lot of security. The biggest business, medical since that is intertwined w education. The people w the money for research are the same ones demanding conclusions its not science its corporate affirmation.

In lur of misdirected energy.

In the two years since our presidents election how much energy has been spent on scrutinizing his every move? Voter fraud? If all those spent their efforts wisely, they could've counted every vote and tripple checked for accuracy by now. Instead of complaining with no apparent sollution

this site is to be a means of sharing information. Instead of regurgitating what the news tell you to disguss, speak, comment and vote on new and original topics written by your fellow man.the New Yorker for tha world

For example Someone got it in their dumbass head that the Earth is best with 500,000,000 people. Sheep people cant think for themselves so they just follow the plan... In the United States an estimated 66 million out of 1.9 billion acres is developed not to mention the fact we can grow food indoors hydrponically, without the use of soil while minimizing the use of water consumption. That means we can grow underground if ever needed or build a hundred story indoor farm. Or even more than one!There is no excuse for 1.5 billion hungry people except the tangle of those in power.

Though i blame myself for my part i could be seeing it clearer but i muddle it up w my own actions buy into it, i like that i can go get a cheeseburger and a job and dont want to take any chance of deviating from that, especially those with children..

Speak out? march? That's industrial age

i would like to think that the children are exactly who: im looking out for:

they have a chance us, were fucked we got this generation of former hippies that used to believe in free love & now they buying all our ÷×%@#€$. if not killing their body, their spirits & our women rarely stand up or out, more drugs, more porn Now the kids are facing a childhood with metal detectors and possibly armed teachers. I think being born into fear is unnacceptable. Well it's up to me yo make another way because i am damn sure no one is going to make it for me.

Sustainable self sufficient living. An example for third world countries to follow to build thriving communities the production of culture, music movies, art and fashion, the building and development of monuments and tourism the refining of luxurious living on a budget using natural energy from sun wind and water. i dont expect the government to redistribute wealth or give any of this to me. It is up to us to develop and plan an alternative to corporations and that way ensure quality control.. lets call them co ops

Kinda like the Mormans or the Amish or Muslims though its not about the right god

it's about democracy and those that are willing to take on a bigger role in governing themselves.

Most people just want to be told what to do, they dont want the pressure of innovating the world

they want to vote as little as possible and know that being informed, is often one sided and biased. They dont believe one persons opinion or view of things can change anything.

You believe America should be equal for all people... Prove it, literally making America great by showing fairness... Everytime I've done it i could sense people's appreciation of it. Dissapointment every time i overlooked an opportunity to do so.

Preview for the long awaited stree issue

met this chick on the streets once while i fell into activism she says to me maybe we could fuck and eat ice cream and the deserving people on the street loved her more than anything because she couldve been bestowing her services on someone not worth a damn and live in a loft or whatever

anyway theres so many mistakes that i make... id appreciate if you didnt apply the ones you think i might be doing

when i started smoking weed they said it was a gateway but to me i was like weeds cool ill just just stick to that... i got darvacet ill give u 6 bucks for three


alright then opiates have been around for thousands of years i dont ever want to need them or do then 1 or 2 days for rest but every once in a while id like to get high as f on 10mg smoke weed and nod off and i never really deviated from that, i am told that once one gets acustomed to them they give energy... Once my vicodin guy had morphines and i was like no thanks ill just do without them.. Anyway, i am aware that i could read for three times as long on adarell and it changed my spirit.

i have always managed too cool off though

14 no longer smoking, on a cruise ship and next thing i know 2 guys 2 girls around the same age like it was destined, next thing i know we're on deck and shes smoking a cigarette, the old me would be thrilled w the prospect but the other Ben was like ew you smoke... Like id done that & was past it welli was the 3rd wheel & while we enjoyed swimming in the Oceans, she straight dissapeared, i picture her dancing around the gallys at the real party like in Titinic.

Well before that

i was talking to my friends online Brandi smoked weed and drank and i shunned her about it too.. She looked so good and one day she tells me its not the weed its the damn crack i need to quit we stopped talking and who knew

2 years later im back to cigarettes and weed and liquor when we can get it

weighing in slightly heavier then my present weight and relatively modest in contrast to some kids exuberant lifestyles, one day i brag to wildcat1983 or whatever what i did the other night and soon enough shes smoking weed and goes to the crack too

now if youre telling me there wasnt some lil bastard gonna make a ton of money off this transition ill call u a gdam liar.

However its not like she couldnt have drawn her own lines i tried coke for few months and decided its dirty not worth snorting random shit

a lot of people choose to overlook this fact.

if i could go to a pharmacy and get a hundred dollars of real coke that would last me like 4 days i might consider it other than that im better off w a case of redbull

aliens might look at us crazy for all the damn mess we make of a plant you grow just like any other one you boil it down to a paste then refine into a powder. Yet we make it illegal so it costs 50 dollars a gram and people pour creatine and laxative and whatever the fuck in it to make money.. If it was legal you could go to the pharmacy and buy a gram for $5 (its a plant doesnt cost more to make than anything else) people that would be sniffing all types of weird stuff, could know what you were getting if they Decided to get it and we could tax it and spend the money on education instead of organized crime getting the estimated $30 billion dollars spent on cocaine every year.

Theres a market for it because its a powerful stimulant.. Prone to abuse just like gambeling alcohol or any of the best (most fun things in life) its difficult to play games for money and not become obsessed, though should the few who cant handle it ruin things for everyone else? The United State stance on drugs is much like its former one on alcohol. People drank it anyway even when it was illegal so they decided they might as well tax and regulate it. Or so i hope... The fact that the Cartels are making money is overshadowed by big brother... Just like when the Afghanis were burning teir poppy fields and American soldiers reluctantly guarded the source of opium...

Dont think for a second that someone from our side isnt involved in one of the biggest business' in the world. Rightfully , id rather us control it than rival or competing country. Though they are Playing both sides, profiting from sales and law enforcement.

Acclaimed investigator and former DEA agent Michael Levine has alleged that the CIA participated in orchestrating the 1980 Cocaine Coup in Bolivia to install an Operation Condor military government, in place of the pre-coup civilian government. The pre-coup government had collaborated with the DEA in bringing leaders of the Roberto Suarez cartel to justice, and Levine alleges that the CIA not only intervened judicially to release the extradited cartel leaders and allow their flight to Bolivia, but also enabled them to collaborate with right-wing military factions in overthrowing the civilian government that had collaborated with the DEA. The drug links of the coup government were obvious to the international community, which led to the coup becoming termed "the Cocaine Coup" by historians. Levine alleges that one of the CIA agents who participated in the coup was Klaus Barbie, the former SS Nazi known as the "Butcher of Lyon," who had previously collaborated with the CIA in Bolivia during the capture and execution of Che Guevara. -wikipedia

Nearly 300,000 people are held in state and federal prisons in the United States for drug-law violations, up from less than 25,000 in 1980.

Contrary to its official goals, the US has suppressed research on drug usage, although the CIA researched regardless during MKULTRA. For example, in 1995 the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) announced in a press release the publication of the results of the largest global study on cocaine use ever undertaken. However, a decision in the World Health Assembly banned the publication of the study. In the sixth meeting of the B committee the US representative threatened that "If WHO activities relating to drugs failed to reinforce proven drug control approaches, funds for the relevant programmes should be curtailed". This led to the decision to discontinue publication. A part of the study has been released.[3] Several government-sponsored reports by commissioned experts have pointed to public substance abuse treatment as opposed to criminalization as the only effective way to battle the public health crisis caused by drugs; these recommendations have been mostly ignored by US government officials, and in some cases suppressed. _wikipedia article

The Vera Institute of Justice released a study in 2012 that found the aggregate cost of prisons in 2010 in the 40 states that participated was $39 billion. The annual average taxpayer cost in these states was $31,286 per inmate. New York State was the most expensive, with an average cost of $60,000 per prison inmate.Aug 23, 2013

Nearly 300,000 people are held in state and federal prisons in the United States for drug-law violations, up from less than 25,000 in 1980.1 These offenders served more time than in the past: Those who left state prisons in 2009 had been behind bars an average of 2.2 years, a 36 percent increase over 1990,2 while prison terms for federal drug offenders jumped 153 percent between 1988 and 2012, from about two to roughly five years.3

As the U.S. confronts a growing epidemic of opioid misuse, policymakers and public health officials need a clear understanding of whether, how, and to what degree imprisonment for drug offenses affects the nature and extent of the nation’s drug problems. To explore this question, The Pew Charitable Trusts examined publicly available 2014 data from federal and state law enforcement, corrections, and health agencies.4 The analysis found no statistically significant relationship between state drug imprisonment rates and three indicators of state drug problems: self-reported drug use, drug overdose deaths, and drug arrests.

The findings—which Pew sent to the President’s Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis in a letter dated June 19, 2017—reinforce a large body of prior research that cast doubt on the theory that stiffer prison terms deter drug misuse, distribution, and other drug-law violations. The evidence strongly suggests that policymakers should pursue alternative strategies that research shows work better and cost less.

Sharp rise in federal drug imprisonment yields high cost, low returns More than three decades ago, Congress responded to the rise of crack cocaine by requiring that more drug offenders go to prison and stay there longer.5 Largely as a result of those actions, between 1980 and 2015, the number of federal prisoners serving time for drug offenses soared from about 5,000 to 92,000, though changes in drug crime patterns and law enforcement practices also contributed to the growth.6 Although the share of federal inmates who are drug offenders has declined from its peak of 61 percent in 1994,7 it was still nearly 50 percent in 2015.8

And as the federal prison population soared, spending ballooned 595 percent between 1980 and 2013 without delivering a convincing public safety return.9 In fact, self-reported use of illegal drugs increased between 1990 and 2014 (see Figure 1), as has the availability of heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine as indicated by falling prices and a rise in purity.10 The surge in federal prison spending has also failed to reduce recidivism. The rate of federal drug offenders who leave prison and are placed on community supervision but commit new crimes or violate the conditions of their release has been roughly a third for more than three decades. -PEW & random sites(accurate?) this is not mentioning the crimes that take place because an addict needs their fix that could be avoided if they had cheap drugs available to them not to mention the 30,000 Americans that die a year because they dont have clean drugs available to them. illegal drugs are also the means of fueling prostitution and pornography.

Put them in their place? New New Amsterdam?

i write this down because its my process, i do something irredemable, and i appologize about it in writing... must've been what we needed to learn

so its finally here the porn issue

i used to watch porn and never felt bad about it until i started masterbating & not until way after that but before people started hinting around "only 3 times before work Ben" what the... these days ill mention something and then an add for it will pop up on my phone in Vegas this could go bad

im showing someone a youtube video and an add pops of for Charlie Gangbang

see the Christians got it right w procreation

thats what its there for

yet its exactly deviating from the former that makes stuff sexy, the heathens used to do all types of freaky stuff until someone came and told them its bad you should feel wrong about it,

while they were feeling sad about it, the other guys were doing way freakier stuff to her

well we cant afford children but i got to get my rocks off

at the time, i will probably ot think about the process... and my things gonna goo all crazy... What if she has one of those terrible diseases & then my ish'll really goooo krazy, fuck that, ill leave this job to the professionals and just watch... Then it is assumed s the way we feel about our fellow woman: by watching it its like thats what i want for them, if not the actor, i wish it was me busting in their faces

its animalistic when people fuck and shit & eat it depends on how you do it

if you catch a vid in the middle like something you might see on the discovery channel. Though to me its the process of seeing them take it off

see i can only talk on my experiences and i know when i had a girlfriend the porn would be calling me "other chicks" so id go out w my girl & instead of being as charming as possible after a while i was almost as content fucking my monitor because it was someone diff and girls gone wild was constantly reminding me this and i got into the habit

i saw a statistic that sad 60% of women surveyed had it and almost 50

said they felt it was a helpless addiction

If that's the women than imagine, the mens numbers... We feed into it like a black cloud, where am I gonna find a girl, than I gotta spend time on her, say right things I can't handle any of that, I just want to see, it's hard to get the excitement out of your head. The bible has a passage about wandering hands and it's powerful because many can relate the idea is fornication and we should be able to isolate any diseases and remove the fear, maybe we could all raise the children and just a couple will stay and babysit. We could be even freakier but respectful to people...

a team effort on art. Mainstage

at a glance

I search through my everything

continually a process of remembering

a rotation of holding on and letting go

slow down to fast and back

so as to not overheat

worry free


Ten years I've tuned into this spot

between my mind and hand

directly connected to my heart

I wonder no I floww

through those days

discovering and deleting

meaning I build ideas

and destroy trust

It's inevitable

throughout my day

I'm going to miss something

it's not Groundhogs

I'll be preocupied

not give a person the proper respect

offend, miscommunicate whatever

every day the tally will increase

I'll divide my attentions as best as I can

yet I'll hopeully not let down the ones important to me

so I've found that the little things are the big ones

how I treat the lowest person is how Jesus would rate me

Yet it disgusts me to, the whole bus smells like taco bell because of that one man

Now that I'm past it, or so I'd like to say, last year around this same time I was working

I lost my check in DC and I tried to hustle up enough money to get to my bank in Pittsburgh

Once I found a 20 that would've got me a considerable way there

yet I stayed walking amongst the thousands of displaced individuals

maybe in hopes of showing them it's ok to keep on going

I had a cooler and tried selling water it was a sad ordeal

I had cool art but didn't put on enough showmanship

years of experience had taught me to give

in the right manner,

suitable to whim and whimsicale thinking

art of war on the insignia

in script that's desidedly indescrete


then I saw it in a flash a memory of a thought built up once or twice in the dish tank at least once while walking

I've learned to tarry at this elsuive flash wait what set that off.. I was loking at the line with how Jesus would rate me

Oh yeah Eureka

Met this "Christian" once who said fool me once

shame on you, fool you twice shame on me

So Ive somewhat accepted that mentality

sometmes I have to make sure

so I'm more of a baseball kind of guy

3 strikes and your out

though this is one of the hilghts of the bible

is that someone directly asked asked our Lord and savior

how many chances should you give a person

and he said 8 x 80

so any government tha imposes the death penalty

has no business reresenting anything to do with Christ

though how do you forgive the hurting of a child, lets say

Babylonian or Mesipatamiam custom imposed an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth

and throughout the land rung an errie silence

because throughout history people were freely doing in-justice

at the time they may have not understood what was going on

though they felt the pain of what was happening and they knew

someone was to blame, retribution was supposed to happen

but what no one was certain of who and what and mosly how

then one day it was proclaimed and written from human hands into stone

that penalties were so and so seemingly the next day people began to plot on how to get around these things

the law courts and the lawyers that were a good thing to add fairness turned corrupt

just like Buddah taught to lead a life that's non materialistic

lets just say that Jesus' message is liable to be squed or however that's spelt

Anyway what do we do to people who take the charitable money that people saccrifice spending on themselves

so they can feel good about something and use it as a means of helping themselves get wealthy? Uh we keep letting them do it

No I propose that we have an alternate channel. Where people can donate to something that isn't a non profit organization or a tax write off

Matter of fact

Anytime someone gives money there's a certain smugness that comes with it.. Here I'll give you this money, I've got extra

it's like when you give a gift to help make up for doing the wrong thing

your giving but for the wrong reason

What you should've done was the right thing

and now this item you've just spent $4,000 on

is associated with that time when you broke our trust

Well I'd help you out but here's ten bucks

I really don't give a fuck

It's not prominent, rather in an underlying tone.

Because the gratitude for the 10 dollars is sincere

if everyone gave ten bucks we'd have 3 billy to work with

Work w?

Work for?

What exactly are we Working towards?

Stephen Covey wrote that we are transitioning to the knowledge age

the industrial age, the middle ages was Pisces and as we go backwards

we know and realize that we must move forwards as a collective whole

by utilizing the knowledge we have - The news, the world powers

don't want you to have knowledge of some stuff

Though theoretically there's nothing stopping us as humans who all tend to speak English

from writing what's really happening in our respective places

so when I ask for a contribution the money is secondary to the principle

v Did you speak out towards injustice no but I donated $10


in a world where money has corrupted so many things that started as a good case

I'd like to set precident in saying only work is accepted.

If you are a writer and nice I don't care if you're _______

if you get 1,000,000 views you get $10,000 10% goes to thapeople

what is thapeople?

or who is thapeople?

was founded in 2006

as an outlet for hip hop culture fashion and products

as a student at Ohio State University I experienced culture shock. Like many universities throughout America it was formerly flanked by ghetto.

I've found when people see destitution, rarely do they explore it. My whole life of working and going to school was directed towards obtaining a career in business. I hoped to flaunt nice things and was well on my way of doing so when I had a spiritual breathrough, I was taken off the addarell that was fueling my numbness in life and tuned in to my inner hippy or let loose a creative side of me. I can't speak for people who were on it for extended periods of time, however even while on it I had practiced taking off, half a day or going as long as I could and using meditation, that in combined with daily exerciseand a focus on my creative writing, I proceded to foreclose on my mortgage and start a life from the bottom. I started working at a call center and in combination with two of my peers went on to work a second job in labor. My passion for exercise did not get me ready for being a laboror and as of yet I had no knowledge of work ethic ut throgh many seasons of practice with that company I gradually built up my skills to arguably compete with illegal laborers. I worked in the fields of California that I read about in novels and got a first hand look at being destitute... See scientifically, an expert will administer a test to their subject and then report on their behaviors. I ended up putting myself through the test at the exprense of my comunities omfort, I am afraid. Though n my experience I have seen countless men and women that I thought were very well and capable, some fallen victim to drugs and alcohol & habit. a The human being is incredible for their ability to adapt to anything. Many will settle for way less than they are worth, I know so first hand and understand the temptation of "hustling" to at least cover your basic needs See Jesus Christ was with the thieves and prostitutes because he knew that it was society who at least partially put them in the position to do so. The world is abundant and many of the limitations we have for our fellow people are self imposed. Yet if you are born into anything one will accept it as the truth and try to make due as best as they can. This is my belief and I've stuied the topic immensely and would like to be able to prove otherwise.. That if planned out properly people could take any place in a 3rd world country and advance into the modern

=the ones not objectify all support it somewhat in my own manner i believe. Many a times the world, the tension im trying so hard to be good and that gets me tension stand in the way of their money. how do you get money? Someone is pimpingotherwise we feel above that

society is about thata highest level of thought though you dont want to force it on people because they didnt figure it out for themselves understaning