Regardless of where you come from One of the worst feelings a true laborer can have amongst other laborers is to stand around while others are working.

Somehow that has got twisted and contrary to this universal feeling the guy who sits in the truck and talks on the phone usually makes twice as much as the guys actually doing stuff. I say if a machine can sweep the floor, make a sandwich as good as a person let them do it.

otherwise the fairest way is to split up the menial work so that everyone has to do their allotted amount, say 20 hours. You can pick what your in the mood to do, swipe your card to clock in and when you clock out, money will be in your account.

Instead of going to a sweaty gym Give people who like to exercise an outlet to compete against one another for efficiency.

the rest of your work week would be something you like to do.

Instead of working for the purveyor of capital to make money, we would split the profits of what we produce including commerce, music, movies, fashion, art and to create cities in a style and manner we think is acceptable or enjoyable.. Every season people interested in fashion design will submit their wares, all the workers in the fashion industry then vote on what will be produced. The ones with the most votes go into production and seemstresses compete with who can make the most of a certain dress for example.

This will not remove the corporations, our living style will still be far from the great cities of the world and people will continue working and living in them. We will just offer an alternative to those that don't feel they have a place or fit the mold and want to work and be utilized. Will we accept and save everyone? Definitely not but as we work in pursuit of bettering humanity we also welcome the counter argument as to why this won't work, why we need gasoline for example ad it is in our nations interests to control that market etc.

Finally this will be an outlet for people to hear the side of the argument, discuss and ask questions and then finally vote on real legislation because most importantly thapeople takes out the middle man and passes the savings, profits and power onto you.