I believe the government is intentionally destroying the country.

See back in the day capitalism was competing with the red scare and communists..

Communism in Russia was inefficient, inhumane, millions were killed and despite this, people had a quality of life that was overshadowing the west.

At least under Russian socialism everyone was housed, everyone had a month long vacation etc.

America, in response started with social programs. Intended as a humane response to some of societies ills.

If someone is disabled and cannot work, the wealth of the nation will provide them with enough so that they can obtain the basics.

<>PWhen someone is unemployed, they can have some money until they find another job.

Turns into: Why wouldn't you take 6 months unemployment? Well, people will abuse anything, if given a chance6 .

& now there is no competition, the world is run by fascists all around, who want to see the great reset and bring people back to the

middle ages

using modern technology to enforce total control.

& here we are, it seems like the government is intentionally hoping to bankrupt the country.

It is now advantageous to be considered disabled.. People can get 800 a month or even more.

and get another 800 a month for someone to take care of them. Plus they get a lump sum in back pay to buy a car, put a down payment on a home etc.

There are lawyers, who get a percentage of this amount and its become a hierarchy of white people, you need to know to get in on it too.

On top of that there are tens of thousands of programs in different states, made for people to work the system.

I was in California and an illegal immigrant got over a thousand dollars, to "bond with his child" and took him to Disney World.

There are grants and various programs: Made for people who are willing to milk the system.. Who usually find out about such programs

because they know someone.

The government will pay the down payment to your apartment, or in some parts: they will pay for your housing entirely from 18-21.

The worst part is that people are paid ridiculous wages to administer these programs.

Now there's talk of universal income.

and someone told me the programs are made for us to use..

In theory no one wants to work..

If they could just sit and enjoy television and food and not have to do anything for it, they would.

Though there's no substitute for hard work, a person who has never done anything stands no chance against someone who has spent their life working.

& in a sense, I feel they want Americans to be lazy so they can not fight an enemy that's plotting to put the country into submission.

The only reason America was ever so great in the first place is the American dream. People would come to America, work for for a company for 30 years

buy a home, 2 cars and set their next generation up for a better life.

Because of that, the wealth grew exponentially. There was a time where 90% of the world's finished goods came to America.

While other countries just had poor and rich, we had a robust middle class...

In the 90s we lost that, jobs were sent overseas, manufacturing was closed down and we've steady gone backwords.

I took a course on economics and what I got from it: The wealth of a nation is defined by the gross national product.

We can deny it all we want.. Since I was a kid, prices have always gone up..

Though steadily by small increments and wages went up accordingly.. I used to get a pack of marlboros for 2.50

Though I only made like 4.35 an hour.

We went through a recession, but never has gas just doubled and everything else, went up by 25%

It's because of corona. Not the "virus" The relief scams and money that went into testing, tracking and generally the "bullshit" involved in it.

I met some guy who said he would sign up homeless people for double unemployment and give them a hundred bucks.. All at cost to our government.

A lot of people look at it like, well the system is against us, so I'm going to use the system. That's great until we run out.

& right now Ukranian refugees are getting priority through section 8 housing and everything's fucked up.

I feel like the best thing we could do is retrench. Get rid of all the stupid programs, wasteful spending, people stealing from the government..

Because there has to be a stronghold for freedom and the American way.

Instead: What if, the government would use the trillions of dollars in our budget to help Americans to go into business for themselves..

Mother Teresa said that where there is work without love, it is slavery.

& the idea has always been to make conditions unbearable that people would consent to toil most of their lives away for relief from the cruel world.

Though on the other hand: humans were once called man the maker. & I believe that for most people to live a happy life.. they have to have a sense of purpose.

The knowledge that they are working on something in the long term and revel in the completion and fulfillment thereof.

It's amazing watching a great chef at work, or a builder and nothing drives people to be almost machines of efficiency more then drive

of material and monetary gain. If people are benefiting from their work, accordingly, they will find the best way to do it and gain profits.

If everyone is producing huge amounts of material goods everyday.. & gaining capital from that, that means that they can go and spend money elsewhere

and the masses will thrive. Right now, what we have is the opposite.. It's looked down upon to do any real work unless you're Mexican.

I'm telling you this mentality will not end well for our country. So it's up to us, to provide an example in small scale of how humanity can thrive.

Values like love and trust can overshadow fear and lust.

If the intent was to make people strong and amazing.

Rather then selfish and ignorant.