According to the SAMR

the chinese government in the 1970's had less then 500,000 businesses

they further reduced the red tape and from 2012 to 2017 they saw a 70% increase in business'

by 2024 China had 124,000,000 entities

Some of them 100% of the profits go to the government and I believe with all of them

a portion of their profits go to the government. So they have 100's of millions of people

working for them and hundreds of millions of people working for themselves and where the money goes to them

Now I theorize that they use that incredible amount of money to buy American corporations and U.S. politicians, systematically

puts into policy things that hurt the American people.

and we argue over who it was... Prices have gone up under Biden!

No, Trump wasted trillions on the pandemic and it just took a while

It's Trumps fault! No it's Biden's fault... & it's been every president

since George Bush they've been testing the waters to see if

the greediest of politicians can use our country to

make oil more profitable for them

so instead of building, say mega projects to attract tourism

we cut educations and gave contracts to Chaney's weapons manufacturing.. Arms dealers

and military guys stole from America out the ass

Soldiers protected the same poppy plants for opium being used to cause a crisis in America

knowing that this is how others have made whores of the women we love

& everyone either partook, or i guess like me, just watched it happen

kind of unaware.

Ghettofied our nation so the wealthy could profit off it

and now we have 2 classes the people that got wealthy selling out our country to China, Korea Japan

they've made it like Russia, where it's the politicians and the bankers just stealing the wealth for themselves

It's called a "Maglev" train but Russia can't afford to build one because the mob is using the country

and in India they are experienced in making a caste system in the same way, the Italians, that's all they know

just apply that back home shit here

and they're working independently, with their own interests in mind

but together they have enslaved an American people that are the only hope for the world.

What was once a melting pot, looks at immigrants with disdain

as they bring their country's conditions with them

putting even more pressure on the regular working American

& the ladies have popularized, the only way out is through the fed

People have realized that being democrat is even more abusive in some ways

& I see their frustration as they turn back to Trump

who has proven himself willing to use the media to make a fake pandemic, to cause lockdowns

and I haven't made progress because

i need my soul

my body insist i try to get it back

but instead of writing

Hopefully by becoming a prominent member of society

> because I'm tired of hoping the government is going to improve conditions..

Based on the aforementioned it feels impossible.

i feel it's time for Americans to take upon their own future

In somewhat of a pyramid scheme

ok the plan is we're going to build a pipeline from the Ocean or from Oregon

and make worthless land worth something.

and everyone who invested in it gets to profit.

While we're doing that...

Create a non corporate way of life intended to bring freedom to Americans.

While the rest of the world struggles with oppression...

Not even counting how much people donate to such causes... California set aside 24 billion to combat homelessness

and as you can see in the aforementioned article...

They are not even competent enough to build some tiny homes...

If the government would take lets say California's budget of 4.375 billion divided by 18,000 that's 243,000 tiny homes that could be built

More then enough to house every single homeless person in California.

Don't need shelters or a bunch of people doing paperwork at all

they don't need their own shower... All they need is public bathrooms, there's bags of water that get heated up from the sun

that's a good enough hot shower for $50, tub only costs $100 retail If they were smart about it they could even

build a mill and a window making factory, make sheet metal for roofs, make a press that churns out 5,000 bath tubs a day

since they need 200,000

Mass produced, they might cost like $4 to make with no need to ship them anywhere, the factory could be right on site to employ the locals.

I'm certain that would bring down the price tremendously.

Though the power is in the wrong hands,

they want people in cities to be in fear, so they can continue the charade.

under socialism China can easily do such things and our country is the model of inefficiency like Russia, the corruption is stunting our growth

& if government won't make the changes necessary.

In a time where almost 100 billion was promised to foreign nations

I feel it becomes the responsibility of the populous to show what can be done with a centralized effort to house feed and employ Americans and split profits amongst the workers.


It can't fact check everything, I look on one site it says 6 billion, I look somewhere else & it says 12 billion but the fact that a home in America is around say 500,000 divide 12 billion by that and you're talking 24,000 homes.

Surely in California alone they must've bought considerably more then that. in my estimation the numbers are real low.. I'm pretty sure they want us to have no idea how much of our corporations and real estate is owned by the Chinese government. In the meanwhile, here We will be bringing desalinized water to the California desert and expand into other unused lands in Nevada