] Futu

Someone please count how many times they mention covid on a news cast for me. & please insist it's under 40 from now on.

Now as difficult as it is for me to speak up when needed at almost forty.

I don't hold a grudge against a 17 year old high school sweet heart.

i'm just insisting the importance of saying what needs

to be said always..

The media has a business of scaring people to their wits end.

It's like a sore spot because it doesn't really make sense

I think of myself as a sensible person

I've talked to a lot of people and I'm constantly checking their story.

and I feel I can spot shadyness.


It happened over night, all of a sudden it's scary to go outside

the background story of Chinese scientists who were trying to make diseases more powerful

so they could find more powerful cures (uh huh) well, somehow they let the virus leak and for weeks

and it made it's way to the U.S.

Now even Obama managed to isolate everyone with SARS back in 2008

though this time I feel they didn't even try..

Instead it felt that everyone was ready to capitalize off of it*

It is your responsibility to stay home to stop the spread

Amazon and Wal Mart stood the most to gain. Someone told me there was a mandate in Florida that you must wear a mask in your home

If so I'm sure some people obeyed, unable to use common sense..

I mean everybody has their limits as far as psychosis goes

The air leaks out of the side of the mask

breathing through ones nose is not dangerous to others,

what's dangerous is giving criminals free reign

murders in San Francisco Chicago, NY California are at all time highs.

If you are old or have a cold, by all means wear one...

No Ben, you can give someone Covid without even having it! Bullshit

*Scamdemic under the Trump administration people were given an extra $1200 a month for unemployment

there was the small business write off for employees

people made fictitional companies, hired their cousin's uncle etc.

n We're going towards socialism, where everyone

basically just robbing the government

in the process of liquidation..

Well you can't work, invest in cryptocurrency or NFTs

while the country's economy GNP goes to China.

you didn't mind taking the other vaccines..

All the other vaccines were just 1 dose. this one is only good for 4 months so it's a shot but covid shot doesn't sound long term and it isn't.

other vaccines were developed and tested for a minimum of 4 years.

Every single other medicine is liable to pay damages if

well the news in it's quest to upset people more and more overlooked logic

and focusing on sensationalism: or to promote the delta variant or omnicron said that in January more people were seriously ill then ever

What they failed to notice is that if an estimated 80% of the country is vaccinated that should simply be impossible and proves:

that the vaccine is a failure.

now there is a booster and in March pfizer is rolling out a new Delta vaccine.

After your booster...

This is a disease that if you are a healthy adult you have about 1/1000 chance of dying from.

& it obtained FDA aproval because it's paid for by the government and to not cost the government more money

there is a 0 liability clause that says if you do suffer harm from the medication they are not liable

If someone has the vaccine which doesn't stop the spread or prevent you getting the disease..

It should just help you not get seriously ill... The thing sounds sketchy from every angle

Not to mention blatant depopulation talks by Microsoft or whatever

and finally the trillion dollar a year pharmaceutical companies have joined the medical industry and the government, news and police to deal with this pandemic.

However in countries like Italy they are saying people who don't want to take the vaccine can not go to the store and eat.

I'm hoping to take covid refugees soon...

I was in Detroit and someone treated me to some Faygo on a hot day he ended up being a 10%er

he explained his beliefs as white people are devils.. They don't really know any better

He explained that black people can be devils and white people can also be good

the difference is awareness.

That 90% of people walk around dumb deaf and blind at the hurt that they cause, just looking towards others for acceptance

Only 10% of them are conscious of what they're doing.

Tried telling the girl from high school regardless of the safety, that if you do something that doesn't make sense

but you do it anyway you become 20% cornier.

she insisted that she wanted the shot so I yielded and I thought it funny that during that day,

I felt like obstacles were purposely, thrown in my way so that I wouldn't be able to call her before she took it

that alone made me want to call and plead to the hippy I knew in her but I didn't

who knows if she's a mindless drone now, or maybe I'm the one who's making it a big deal.

As much as I value people who stand up for what they believe in, I have to give it to those who

were scared about all the talk in the news but went and got jabbed early

they honestly felt that for things to go back to normal this is something that we'll all need to do

and put themselves on the line to be the first to fortell if there are major side effects etc.

some of whom seem sneaky and I wouldn't be surprised, if they just knew a Dr. who just wrote them out a card

and they didn't have to worry about any of the depopulation aspect, in exchange for for making it seem ok and the right thing to do for everyone else.

Now again, I'm a sceptic

I don't know about them but if 80% of the world is vaxed, despite looking into the matter.

Well like I said we've hit somewhere around the 80% mark and the greedy news couldn't help but say

that the hospitals are flooded and there are more seriously ill people then ever.

Some will say it's just the unvaccinated.. Horse shit

To me it has been proven beyond any doubt that it's a failure

however I don't expect people to be like aw shucks, guess I wasn't right about this after all.

they're going to continue to double down and blame those not vaccinated for the mutations and whatever other crap

just like the trillionaire medical companies want them to..

I'd suggest if you're thinking about it go ahead with it but to those who do not want to

I feel there needs to be a safehaven

Somewhere where people can grow their own crops, build their own homes

Just stay away from the rest of those freaks. and systematically make improvements to the world.

I feel it's not the covid one needs to worry about

moreso it's the medical companies who get $50,000 for putting a person on a respirator

and the mob. Now imagine someone comes up to you and says comply or we'll take your shit

maybe end your life. Well some would disagree, they might know it's dangerous they do the right thing

and call the police in hopes society will not allow such an injustice.

Now imagine that the gang is the police.. So who do you call?

People have gone to the jews traditionally, since they have thousands of years of experience in fighting the local powers that be to just be able to continue living

Even though I am of Jewish decent I've never had an association with the crips, the gang that's symbol is the star of David.

I believed myself to be an honorary 40 and saw the peaceful life of those who co operated with local kukluxklan

and admired some of their ways while also seeing the trade offs that they incurred for the stability.

All over the world people give up their own kind's freedom and liberty, sometimes body and soul, in exchange for vagina.

Most often the Mexicans are quick to offer up such services from sheer lack of such experiences with a white girl.. Or one that looks white, they aren't interested in the specifics, because all odds are that they don't have to speak to them, or get them to be interested in them or do much of anything and just get to fuck them.

and many a hood has been lost because of their quickness and persistence.

As a generality they are rather specialized and focus most of their energy on being quick, efficient and overall pleasant to those around them.

All though it is not to my taste, I recognize their right to value such things, much like the Japanese prefer total silence on their train rides.

In the same manner I appreciate the Germans or Aryan's or the mixed white southerns right to also exist and value what they do and proceed in their manner.

However it's the belief that inferior races are made for them to use to promote their wealth and happiness

much like a cow, who serves their purpose so they allow it to exist to be enjoyed.

That I cannot agree with and I find conflicting..

Through my various phases in life and sheer will power

I have seen myself in many forms and know I am capable of excellence as well as baseness

I recognize that once I act in a certain manner I will then be prone to repeat it

That being the case, I simply do not allow myself to partake in certain things

and that's what being religious is about..

Regiment: as a faithful Jew one is supposed to go Amish from sun up to sun down once a week.

& it's a healthy practice, it's not that you think that god will be mad at you if u don't..

It's that by the time you are grown, you have a sense of self control and peace of mind that come with such challenges.

Lent: Every year you give up your favorite thing for 40 days... That's hard!

Bill has a drinking problem.. He gives it up and gets that much more control of it.

A little lady asked me what the Jews can offer her family in the way of safety

and I was thrown off. I believe that to be the very day that she stopped speaking in complete sentences

insinuating some half jarble of ideas, I didn't even notice what was wrong for weeks.

My favorite mind had turned into something else..

I don't know why, I just felt she wasn't susceptible..

Like if she asked something of me, there's no way she could not do it back.

As long as we had the agreement

it didn't matter that her mind wasn't at ease

or I didn't even do things that made me lovable

I can't blame it on anything

but she asked me, where is the Ben I knew who just wanted to be a pleasant addition to what I was doing

and indeed I thought that is the Ben that I always want to be and I was failing at everything

& certainly her behaviors did not indicate that she wanted me

and I had to wrestle with my demons for going to be 2 years

to realize that she even had her own

and she certainly was trying

considering she was giving more

& I'm not good at that, making things even

though I do love to give generously when I have stuff,

here's for all the stuff you've done, I got this extra boat or whatever

and speaking up for why something is not acceptable

in the southern manner

wow I've lost track of the whole main point..

It's not the 1st time I've read Bukowski but the other day I picked it up

and my rambelings feel perfectly normal.

I arrived at my style way before I knew of his existence in Austin.

So my gang is the 3rd world.

It consists of all those who don't want to work for the benefit of people intending to enslave us the poor class..

It starts with the belief that people for people to understand what is really good: they have to live in an environment where: you never have what you want

whether its fancy food or clothing, you are never comfortable, often having to be aware of insects, there are people constantly trying to trap you. To use you for whatever they can get.

and in the midst of the melay.. One finds that principles are all that matter.. That even though you may only have such a nice meal once, you share it with those around you

I mean I can't explain the intricacies short verse but it's very hard to teach someone of the middle class these same ideals.

They tend to thrive on inspiring jealousy.. Look what I eat every day and you can't have any of it..

Then they are always so concerned if someone actually likes them or they are just being used to the point where they may enjoy going sailing on their own, not with friends

oh it'll still be fun, we'll just buy some hoes..

Anyway it sounds hard right? Rushing into a building with that battle cry... Because it's scary, there are 4 billion poor people or whatever

Every country and it's not that you have to be any particular race, even America half the population is eligible..

Honestly anyone, who bases their lives in principle...

Not just any principle...

The direct actions of Jesus Christ

to fight any injustice that he found around him.

To care about people who were put in difficult conditions.

to do what you know is right, even when the overwhelming odds are against you..

Oh the masses...

Anyway the point of this gang is not to go against the way of life it is simply to protect ourselves from the influence of satanic forces.

& they're not that bad, there was this one particular character I met who would write 666 on all of his CD's and everything

& regardless of his character I chose not to like him for that matter alone,

Then one day he explained it to me, he had never been a devout individual and when he saw someone use their power to do something despicable while hiding behind the guise

of a good community member.. & using their power in the group to make it possible... He said to hell with Jesus, I'm going with Satan because at least he doesn't lie

about what he's doing anyway..

& that's a tough one..The fact that these people are in such positions to cause people to turn to Satan in the first place. It's like your doing what he intended all along.

When what you were looking for: a sincere Christian, was out there, it's just that you happened to fall into one that caused you to doubt all of them forevermore?

It's all complex but what I keep stressing is: We are responsible for ourselves, to do our part to not continue such doubts.. Oh I met a person and he does what I was hoping people did all along.

The tough part there... Is that I consider myself somewhat woke.. I now I've spent mad years focusing on what's right and what matters, so you'd think I would be confident in my powers

Though I let people down every day. & I posted a clip of the Standford Experience where they got people to be guards and prisoners and soon enough abuse started.. Even though it was a mock interaction.

Stuff like that makes me wonder if we can even get better..

Or will people just fill the void of power and become corrupted as well

Like all those French revolutions, they said they wanted a republic and democratic stuff, but mostly it was the new guys just wanting to have the power that the old guys did.

That's why no one's certainly going to figure it out for us.

It's up to every individual to bring something to table...

& I got this pretty fun contest for starters

Thapeople T shirt contest.

with bitcoin and NFT's I just wanted to do something real

I went to a local T shirt printer and got a quote on 100 to 1000 t shirts

send your t shirt idea to Bensien Krongauz @sienleon@yahoo.com

I'll post them up

& you vote for your favorite T shirt ideas by buying a shirt

once 100 are bought for the price of $20 plus $5 shipping and handling. the profit of $10 is split: 20% going to the cause and 80% to the creator.

The cause: Will be mapped out into different stages...

The goal being the sales of 1,000,000 T shirts

$8 million dollars going to the creators

and a minimum of 2,000,000 to spend on land and building materials for a new colony within America for people who do not feel comfortable presently.

People will vote on the best ways to make life comfortable..

After 15,000 shirts are sold

1 office space will be rented out and one t shirt printer will be purchased for the estimated price of $25,000 and at that point the shirts will be bought in bulk

and the creator will get more like $12 per shirt while the cause will get $4 Next