So it would be so much easier then pretending to want to marry someone

going through the motions because legit didn't want to feel like a scumbag

I've never pretended anything

I'm too important

women will get you caught up more then anything

do you excite me as much as her? Nope keep it moving

The few that might've well, what I was saying about being sincere apparently.

haven't gone out to a club since...

Just trying to get a grip

& start a flip

No nonsense kind of guy

a car costs some k

need to maintain it

gas, insurance

and worried about being pulled over even with all those

$100 bike has no maintenance will get me 5 miles reasonably

get to work etc.

Not worried about impressing people, just trying to get ahead

I went to NY and stopped at Dean and Deluacca for the best coffee I've ever had in my life

& I spilled some of it stirring it with too much cream or whatever.

& this guy goes to clean it up & I grab a rag and clean it before he can get to it.

I'm outside lighting a spliff & dude comes out hey what's up I ask do you smoke?

No his job but he has some speed.. I dunno if he just thought there's no way i can be faster then him without it...

Being really fast takes discipline (fasting) & of course practice wasn't doing that, wasn't doing my push ups now I wish I could've shown you the best me


Or we're just in some kind of meth paradise because people you dont expect are on it

& he's like after work we can go kick it I got a car

and here's my way in & I straight snubbed him... I fucking hate a tweeker

I recognize that not everyone on speed is a full time tweekie

my dude buffalo was talking about this guy who kept picking at his shit (not to be confused with ring worm)

& really dude had changed a lot and wasn't looking good, I replied if you're gonna do that kind of stuff you gotta have some kind of rotation

Buff got his tooth knocked out because he told em

it's fucked up because it wasn't out of critique it was out of love

Even my best friend was like, I been fuing with it sometimes.. Where we left off he was kicking it with dead heads

& surprised that I never tried sid. Though I got kinda mad because he was the one who got me to stop fucking w the speed because it is a military like boost at 1st... Especially if you're tired, all of a sudden your in your groove, you know where everything is and in a short while... Your a mess without it

& your probbaly only normally fast.. It's definately not a big boost like it was in the beginning.

Not worth the trade offs

So we agree

Or disagree

or if you are unsure it's you vs yourself..

Though that friend was the one who pointed out it makes you all cartoony with your motions.. Your just off thinking about pleasures or something i dunno but I feel like I can spot one a mile away

The timing is off, they're busy trying to get you not to notice they are geeked out of their gorde.

That's how I feel... just the other day, Im working with a guy and he started laughing before I finished what I was saying.. Wasnt listening just providing the desired response.

they become kinda souless on Southpark the kids on ridalin went to a Phil collins concert

& for that, so many people go, sure I'll fuck you for drugs

also because it brings out that bad side of u I guess

I remember I met a guy from long beach and I was talking about the best weed I'd smoked or something

& he goes the best shit I ever had was

something something.. Our homegirl brought it and said roll this up! We didn't ask her what she had to do to get it.. We just enjoyed what we had...

My response was, for weed? What the fuck, I couldn't imagine it but there are those who can use anything as leverage.. When they raised the cigarette age to 21.. What do you think they were thinking about? Watched this movie of course was wishing I was watching it with her It was called yesterday today tomorrow

it's ok to look at porn

but its not great

we relly that some people are going to be 2 faced

I mean he's a good person but 6 hours ago he watched an 18 year old girl get dildoed down by 2 fat chicks

girls too, then go and talk to their moms, statistically 1 out of every 2 admit to it.

will pleasure themselves while watching a tv screen & not think it weird

& probably can't stop

it's much like drugs... the girl who gets accustomed to sucking off the dope deaer for some drugs

Thinks nothing of it I think 4 days is good enough to say, what the fuck was I thinking in retrospect but a mf'er might have to fight tooth and nail to even get to that point just to "forget" or whatever and go back

that's the mentality the fuels the porn industry so there's no wonder it's addictive & the other side to that is of course prostitution the biggest business. repopulate with warriors because we've seen how far evil will take it and it's blatant disrespect for women, for people FELT LIKE AN ASS THAT WASN'T PERFEcT WOULD BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR NOW I can't settle... & my mind drifts to you at all times, how to write it perfectly so I can make it right & rest my weary mind of u I've left the house without money 3 times since still don't have my phone under control. Don't seem to have a lot of margin for error when it comes to aries I was surprised you were turned on by that stuff in a way..

People don't want to invest time and epectations when there are totally hot girls that will fuck you for money, all I gotta do is get some.. So I imagine going to see one, or ordering it or whatever...

& maybe you're trying to impress her.. Not be all vanilla like they keep talking about so he's like I want to choke you and call you a whore because I'm mad at you for only wanting me for my money.. Ok, she says, so the standard then? We no longer charge extra for nutting on the face.

The girls love it.. It's sessy because its hateful and not loving, I mean why would you ever want to choke anyone out? It's like polka & castes.. Though standardize it.. Oh the senator choked out another bitch.. That was in godfather like 40 + years ago... though nowadays with corona.. That shit will be in court for years.. Like all the opportunists that stole when it started knowing they could at least get away with it for a while.. They're all teaming up to take all the shit.. Half of us are expandable slave Again I couldn't believe a strong woman could find blatant disrespect sexy

Picturing a woman, holding a baby and recalling the times she got nutted on..

I'm happy to say, I've never intentionally added to someone's nightmare.

In 2001 it was written in stone.. "So you've found you a hoe that you like.. But you can't make a hoe a housewife."

People have concluded it as scientific fact.. That hoe tendencies will remain.

Even the great carl Jung didn't fix most of his patients...

I feel it is a complicated psychosis & it's been argued that there is no hope for this generation in that regard.

However we can get it right for the sake of the children.

the not evil

gotta repopulate the world Nest